I have all my bases covered man. Im so excited. My best friend’s dad owns the biggest pool company in the area. They dont manage commercial pools, he’s all residential, but he has tons of contacts and he said he’d bend over backwards to help. Like I said my roomate works for one of my two competitors. He was hired as a guard, but stayed on for the winter. They are gonna send him up to Baltimore to completly learn the trade and the company from the inside out. My mom sits on the board of the Chamber of Commerce and has experience opening her own business. In this town its not what you know, its who you know.
I’d be very much interested in what all you have to do to form a corporation. Its not a big deal though, cause I’m gonna have to talk to a local lawyer that will have those answers.
pay an atty. $500 and sign some stuff
thats what I figured. Hopefully I’ll be up and running on paper in the next couple weeks.
md law isn’t pa law… i can find someone that practices in md and see the quarks… b ut as far as simply establishing it… toss some dude some loot and sign your life away
then maybe you can get rid of that sorry excuse for a sports sedan you have and get something with a little more balls, a GTP
They probably send you to the :greddy: clients to be thier “pool boy” :kekegay:
Im kinda torn on how to actually structure the company. I really like that with a corporation you have hardly any liability. worst case scenario you bankrupt the company and lose nothing. but I guess there are tax advantages to doing a sole proprietorship/LLC. All the other companies are INC though, so thats probably what I’ll do.
Anyone have a good hook-up for business cards/brochures?
not to count my chickens before they’re hatched, but Im thinking a 5 speed 5 series BMW.
yeah i use Long Printing in Penn Hills… they’re like half the price of the larger chaine places and the same quality. i have their card here somewhere, PM if interested and i’ll look for it.
good luck man!! wish the best to you!!
not now, later, when ur richer
thats who i use
the Pittspeed cards came out real good IMHO.
yeah i looked there but was worried about the thickness of the card paper, for that price though i should have bought there.
i second getting your cashflow started. accounts recievable is nice, but it’s not as liquid as cash. if you need accounting help
they can not be beat in price and quality, i have got a few thousand cards from them and never had an issue
down payments for the win.