So, I'm not THAT new...

Hey, I’ve been on here for some time now. Just realized that I have over 1000 posts, been on here for over a year, and never introduced myself. I’m Steve, i’m from west seneca,I’m almost 18, and I currently daily my 02 GTi vr6. I built a 90 eagle talon TSi from nothing but a shitbox of parts to a working, running car over the past 2 years and just recently sold it. I’m now working on a b00sted e30 project which should be a good time when all said and done. I’ve owned several hondas before which include a few civics and 2 crx’s. I also currently work at west herr toyota of williamsville, and i go to school full time at monroe community college for the toyota t-ten program.

how is the t-ten program? i plan on attending it on janurary if i can. i just graduated high school and i want to start a semester late…but im not sure if i can. i dont wanna wait until next year :frowning:

it’s pretty fun, alot of books and homework though.


u n00b


hey welcome to the forum. I love you

edit-not writen by gary


Gary, you know you love me… for giving you my DSM headaches :stuck_out_tongue:

read the reason for edit :stuck_out_tongue:

lol i did. but i was saying gary loves me for the headaches my old car caused him. :smiley:

Sick burn…

lol headaches indeed, all in good learning.

i’m sad to see it go.

but at least neither you or i will have to worry about dealing with it again :stuck_out_tongue:

haha, welcome :slight_smile:

I’m sure I will have to see it or work on it at some point.

You’re a dork.

i hope not, i’d feel bad. maybe an e30 is in your future though… :snky:

Welcome. I have never did this introduction thing here, maybe I should soon.

you ever find a place to live?

no! :frowning:

shitty man, we decided to get a house up here for next year with some friends… cheapest and best way to go.

thats what im trying now. fucking blows driving back and forth.