So it was made official today v.promotion

Beck I have that list of dead people and their social security numbers :tup: all great co signers with great credit :slight_smile:

PM plz.


I could care less if he clears 7 figures, i wouldn’t be the lot boy for that much…working in a dealership is horrible. I didn’t get fired, I left on my own, just got up and walked out…its not that i didn’t make it, i HATED IT

lets just get this out there, while i worked there, mike had me doing all kinds of comptuer work for him(and not getting paid for it) which was also taking me away from selling cars…great idea there. anyway i guess the point of the story is

i installed a wireless router that no one there knows the pw to, oh and both the wireless print servers :slight_smile: good luck with those!

When the owner asks you to do a favor, you shouldn’t get paid. Thats “KYJ” work.

I find going to work very fun and entertaining. I guess its because I get along with everyone there. If the bosses hated you enough to have you do work, to keep you from selling cars…its probably better you left.

OMG, they don’t know the password? How about this as the password?

1- Get a Pen, standard issue.
2- Locate the back of the router
3- hold down reset button with the tip of the pen for 30 seconds
4- unplug router
5- wait 30 seconds(good spot for a water break, this is tough IT work!)
6- Plug router back in
7- Get lunch(Rough morning!)

:lol: I’m starting to like you.

Or how about, throw the router out and buy a new one?

it was more like they didn’t want to call their “network” guy, dont remember the name and wait months for him to come and do it

in the middle of all of this they were rennovating the whole front end, needed the whole desk moved…

its not that the point was to keep me from selling cars, cause i still did that, it was the fact that i was doing work for free, when i worked for commision…

a favor would be to pull a car up front, maybe even wash it, cause thats kinda part of the job…but computer work…eh no thanks…not worth my time to do that for free

yea, not that easy…good effort though.they have no idea how its setup in the slightest bit, there is no DHCP there = no IP’s

I had to figure out a free IP on my own cause the network guy had no idea what was being used and what wasn’t, so yea, start walking around to all the computers in the whole building, do ipconfig, and then the servers in the back room behind the offices(good luck getting them to let you in there) and then come back and tell me it took you 30 seconds

so yea, if you want to try and find 3 free ip’s in the building, go for it…i know i have them written down still :slight_smile:

nice try at being a smart-ass though :roflpicard:

yep, and again your back to where you started :slight_smile:

So you resisted doing favors like moving a desk, or plugging in a router? And you then sat around wondering why your boss hated you and made you do bitch work.

I mean, aside from all the other dealership politics that people talk about, ANY boss would dislike you for pulling that BS.

edit: turning DHCP on inside the router will not break any current static IPs. Joke is on you busta, RTFM.

He doesn’t understand that doing favors for people will get you places. Good things happen to those who wait. So take me for example. I would move shit, and do little odd’s and end’s for the boss. He’ll buy me lunch. The fact that they had skurge moving shit and never repaid him in anyway, shows that they probably didn’t care for him too much. Either way he needs to get over it.

it wasn’t as simple as moving a desk, it was a wiring nightmare…they had all the computer running through hubs…yes hubs…there was 2-3(dont remember) of them with network cords running all over the place…so yea it was a piece of cake let me tell you…paralell switches conneted to 4 computers and 2 different printers, and 3 monitors. thats not the half of it

i’m talking all the ip’s in the building are STATIC IP’s, therefore the ROUTER will not get an IP, as well as the 2 print servers…there is no DHCP in the building

i did get paid eventually, cause he said he would in the begining, just the fact that it took him a good 4 months to give me the $$ for it was a little redic

Finding available IP’s is easy :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure they didn’t just setup a /32 and a /31 and call it a day for available IP addresses.

If they had you in the server closet doing networking is one thing, but asking someone who knows how to setup a router/print server to help em out on something so simple should’ve been easy for you and a pat on the back from the boss.

I remember all the times I used to say “not my job” at part time jobs and refused to do side work that wasn’t in my “job description” but one day at the ski resort someone needed a tune up and my boss had no idea how to work the equipment and even though it wasn’t my job I offered. The guy paid me 50 bucks for the tune, and then my boss gave me a raise and asked me to do tunes on the side when I had free time. Was a nice way to get extra cash at an already easy job.

finding avail ip’s isn’t that easy when you dont have access to anything at all and the “real” networking guy was no help(we’re talking a “network admin” that told me that dual core processors would never be a big thing, they just didn’t perform well at all)

does anyone read? it wasn’t as simple as plugging in a router/printer server and configuring them. I had to move everything that was on/in/under the front desk(by myself), did i mention twice? cause they had to get the old desk outta there and didn’t have the new one built yet. set it up on a temp desk, and then move it to the new one when built.

and when i say desk, not like your office desk that one person sits at…this was a desk where usually there were 3 people behind at once =lots of crap

^ no one cares. This is not the point of this thread.

I am going to start hitting people with my keyboard!

thats the spirit

Send your in-laws to me. They buy, I’ll send three figures your way.

BTW… That wasn’t directed to just you… It was for all of you.

If you really want, I can drive to where ever you are and hit you with a keyboard… I am a little bored and slow today!

I will be seeing them in a couple hours. I will make mention that if they are looking for another Toyota to call you up.

omgz this thread got all huge nerd!