So lets say....



Ha know what ya mean, I just took one and OUCH! And i went outside today to look for a hat to wear to work today, And that sun made it feel like it was on fire!! Anyone know what I can put on my face to help the heat feeling?


No way… I FUCKING LOVE COLD SHOWERS when i am burnt to hell…


or melanoma/carcinoma


or a shit ton of peeling…

why no sunscreen :shrug:?

and btw a BAD sunburn like that increases your chances ofskin cancer GREATLY…GLmeng

Welcome to the world of gingers. I think that everyone should take this medication in order to better understand our life long battle with sunlight.

get the blue aloe vera shit and put it on like 5 times an hour

Well The face pealed off all day yesterday, However, I have like 2nd degree burns on my lips. “I’ve heard of this happening to my friends before”
So now I have this medicated cream for it.

Wow, lesson WELL LEARNED from all of this

So next time you’re wearing the 'screen right?


Welcome to the world of gingers. I think that everyone should take this medication in order to better understand our life long battle with sunlight.


fucking amen. but our superior love making genes make up for that.

hahaha :word:

I think they recommend that for dehydration purposes