So me and Nitroinsane almost died...

well, maybe not really…but coulda gotten injured…

the story:

Jack was nice enough to let me borrow his beater truck so i could finally get my old engine out of newman’s and start getting to work on my car…score. i go to jack’s work, drop off my grand am, and trade him for the truck, then i go pick up Joe (nitroinsane)…truck rides fine…we stop for gas, and then start heading down the blvd. traffic is a bitch, so decide to turn left somewhere and find the 990…coming down the street that i dont know the name of, it comes to a T and ends, well…approaching the T at 30 to 40mph…not sure exactly, i go to brake, and the pedal goes to the floor…and we have no stopping power.

without fully realizing what i was doing or what was going on around me, still in shock from what was happening, i swerve left around the brand new 3 series BMW that was at the stop sign we were approaching, then made the 90 degree left turn at full speed…i have no idea how the thing didn’t flip, the suspension was shot on the car…

i drop it down a few gears to let it slow down, and pull into a parking lot that goes for maybe 50 to 75 yards back, then into grass and a very big pile of rocks…

the shifter works fine, but the needle always says the car is in park, so i eased it up a few more gears until i thought we were in neutral, we open the doors and attempt stopping with our feet on the ground, only to realize the car is still in drive, i pop it up on more…neutral…score…we get the thing to stop literally 5 inches into the grass…less than a few feet from the big pile of rocks…in reverse i back it up back onto the pavement, and we turn it off…and push it back to a spot near the road, where i proceeded to call jack, and once he got there i paid $95 to renew my AAA membership, and get him towed home.

the thing that shocked me the most is that rather than knocking me out, jack was more concerned about how the hell i was gonna get my engine now…and at one point, he even went to pull out $20 to repay me for the gas i had just put in the truck…wtf man, nice people finish last…stop that shit.

the guy that came to tow jack was the same guy that towed his VR4, so that was funny, and he cut a deal on the towing too…so in the end everything kinda worked out i guess…

:tup: to jack for not being pissed

:tup: to lady luck for causing EVERYTHING to go just right (after the brakes went that is…) keeping us from an accident…

:tup: to there having been no cars coming from the left or right at the T…it was a one way stop, they woulda nailed us…

:tup: to AAA for actually getting there a time, if not earlier…for once in my life

:tdown: to me not just crashing the car…jack probably wishes i had just totaled it for him, since now no claim can be made, and the expenses to fix it are probably as much as the car is worth…sorry man

ps: i really feel like an asshole for everything that happened…even though i couldnt have stopped it…and even though i probably saved jack’s ass because if he had tried to drive it home from happy hour at yings, and the brakes went…he woulda been doin an overnighter no doubt if they smell anything on his breathe…

if there’s anything at all i can do to help, i’m game…expenses, labor, tools, reach arounds…you name it, i’ll do what i can to try to make up for the mishap


Now i know what this was for lol. It is a good thing that everything worked out the way it did, you really could have gotten hurt.

If you guys need any help fixing the brakes i am more than willing to lend a hand to keep costs down!

that’s some scary situation

:tup: to not getting anybody killed (including yourself)
:tdown: to shitty brakes

nope i was talking about what i did when i was drunk. not that lol. yea the parts r still going to be alot. the line goes form the mastwer cylinder to the porporining valve on top of the rear axle. not to mention theres no way were going to be able to open the wheel cylinders on that boat



:tup: to things… kind of working out :slight_smile:

yeah, whatcha gonna do right?

I’m just glad no one got hurt.

Should have seen me trying to maneuver that thing in my driveway with no brakes.
BTW - The e-brake works… thats what its there for :wink:

If anyone wants to tackle the job, you are more than welcome to stop out and gimme a quote. I paid $500 for the truck, so take it easy on me :frowning:

also, for the record… I’m only violent when prevoked.

shit happens guys, sounds like you guys both handled it very well, big :tup: The big thing is nobody got hurt.


flinstoning it was more fun. i wasnt sure if the ebrake worked and locking the rears up prolly wouldnt of stopped us from hitting the new 3 series in front of us

Gas on the right…brake on the left…sounds like you hit the wrong pedal Andy…lol…glad everyone is ok!!!

Jack indeed is a nice guy. His hands are almost as soft as Corey’s and Joe’s. :wink:

Thats probably why my brother called me today, to say he towed you again. You should of called me Jack, I could of gotten it towed for free.

ur brother gave him a sweet deal from my understanding.

wow man, :tup: to good kharma. glad no one got down for a brake job if need be. i will help out on it for a meal

jack ill get some prices tomorrow on every thnig lines cheap. just need someone with a flareing tool

so i take it andy still needs a truck to get his motor?

yea but warning hes cursed not to get it so u may die trying

Andy…fuck the stock parts off ur old motor…open the pocketbook and buy some aftermarket cams and rebuild the whole head!!!

bitch pleaze, i’m so broke i had to pawn my pocket book


and yes…i do still need my engine from newmans…fuckin ridiculous how karma does not want it out of there…