So my car exploded...

bout a month ago, i had just put a 1996 blazer on the road. was driving it for about a week without incident. Went to go pick up a few friends for a party that night and returned back to my place. After a few minutes in the basement i started smelling smoke, like electrical fire, so i was looking around franticly at the soundsystem in my basement, i thought my gf blew a fuse or overloaded something. started running around the house, and just by chance i opened the side door to my house and was inundated with white smoke!!! I saw flames shooting out the hood of my car!!! I ran to get the hose and found out the outside spiget was frozen solid… yelled at everyone to get out of my house. I had to really yell cuz everyone thought i was fucking around. Everyone called the Firedept at that point while running out the front door (the car was parked right next to the side entrance of the house) I was freaking out and was about the start throwing snow into the hood but the flames got so big i was scard something was gunna blow. My neighbor ran over and was gunna hook up his truck to drag it away from the house real quick but the fire dept showed up just them. Flames were pretty high. Three bottles of fire extinguisher and a few small explosions later, it was a twisted mess. LOL my other neighbor saw like 10 guys standing on her front lawn and she thought it was a gangfight! so she called the cops on us, but after she put her glasses on, invited us all in till things were squared away. In the end, I was lucky that it didnt hit the house and still have no idea wtf happened. Fire dept said it coulda been an oil leak, but who the hell knows. That night i was glad i at least had a bunch of friends over, and a shitload of booze cuz i really needed it then more than ever

Worthless without pics…

so here…11/car%20fire/

Private album deuche

God you suck at least spell “douche” right :clap:

It’s french


atleast you didnt put it in your garage when it was smoking

was it the power wire for the beats yo

On the plus side, a 96 blazer blew up. :gotme:

Not a big loss really :gotme:

Be glad you caught it when you did. House fires are not nearly as cool as auto fires.


Lived up to its name :stuck_out_tongue:
