So my friend

so are piss green bmw drivers


if that is piss green i don’t want to know wtf you are drinking.

if you piss that color, i’d go punch the last girl you slept with in her stupid head

hahahahah i love getting this place all worked up

carry on

Am I white trash?

thats why tons of dr’s, lawyers and the such ride harleys rather than cheap plastic jap crap.

that’s retarded…i can’t believe they have such a law.

I’ve never gotten any ticket while riding, i usually have sunglasses on during the day, but no eye protection at night and my helmet screams “squid.”

QFT!!! fucking fggts.

or sieg heil

that or “you’ll never know the power of the dark side”

lol touche

I guess I’m white trash, my helmet slips on my head without undoing the chin strap. My dog chewed out the padding so there is foam in there from a bicycle helmet.
I can’t find one that fits like this on does


Edit: I rock drag pipes on the 58

straight pipes ftw.

Wow. I’ve never been called white trash. hmmm

And I have yet to see any Harley rider without some sort of eye protection. Lots of brain buckets but always some sort of glasses.

By far, I have seen more dangerous things done by sport bikers than cruisers.

But hey, go on believing what you want…

This has been a law for a long time. no surprises. Ask Ineedacar. ANYWAY… wear glasses or keep your shield down.

sucks for your friend.

I fucking hate riding with my shield down under 50mph, so I always had my Nike sunglasses with interchangeable clear lenses also for night time.

Still I’ve rode plenty of times without eye protection though, sucks for your friend.

I had the same thing happen to me on rt.5 a few weeks ago. i was coming up to a light so i flipped my shield up and a cop on the side of the road gave me a gesture to put it back down. He looked pissed too…now I know.

On a side note, I tried wearing my sunglasses but I have polarized lens, so every time I put my shield down it was a fucking rainbow all up in my face…lol guess its time to buy a smoke shield.

Yeah at slow speeds, I always have my shield up. Only on the thruway do I ever put it down.


LOL yea that was an interesting day.

but as long as I can remember, eye protection is mandatory or you’re gonna get pulled.