So my launch 360 is now RROD'ing....

…but it still works fine lol. Frustrating though, because not only do i not want to turn it off, seeing the flashing red next to the tv while trying to play games is very distracting.

i have applied AS5, made the ‘cooling ducts’ for the gpu heatsink (keeps constant airflow/vacuum over the gpu heatsink, so air gets sucked through instead of all around the mouth of the fan duct) and i had to repair 2 traces on the motherboard (ripped them while removing the x-clamps lol), i’ve replaced the dvd drive once, and it’s just overall been through hell…

Just curious if anyone else has had this ‘problem’ before?

I googled this, and got no responses for it (rrod’ing while the console is still able to play games)…time for pictures…soon…

weird…mindewould just freeze after 20 minutes of play and then RROD on restart…over and over and over…then be find for a little while and RROD over and over and over. Warranty FTW…sold it along with a bunch of games i didn’t like/play anymore and bought an elite with games.