Xbox problem (Not rrod)

Anyone know someone or somewhere that fixes Xboxes? My warranty is up except for the extended RROD warranty. Only problem is I don’t have the ring. Instead I have the other common problem with the video input. Everything works, but the video input. I’ve done the rowel trick and it worked for about 20 minutes then the color went green. Turned off the xbox and the video never came back when i restarted it. Any suggestions?

what you usually have to do to fix this problem is the xclamp fix and heatgunning some of the chips on the motherboard.

out of curiosity is your xbox laying flat or standing?

i had the same thing, called them told them i had rrod… sent it out they sent me a new one.

It was flat for the first couple months i had it then has been standing out in the open.

I was thinking of just telling them i had the rrod and sending it in too, but don’t they check it or something? Like is there anyway they would know ya think?

i think if you say it RROD’d ur ok, because i know when mine crapped out, a few days later it worked… then 10 minutes later it was dead again. so really when i sent mine in, it could have fired up fine for them if they tested it quick. worth a shot, right?

Fucking Xbox, im dreading the day mine shits the bed.

I think i’m going to try it. It’s not like i have anything to lose.

could always try to get it to red ring, or just say it was and get them to replace it

Yeah i tried getting it. Not too sure how it happens but it seems to be an overheat problem. So i tried doing the towel trick on it a bunch of times. Prolly did it 10-15 times and still haven’t gotten the rings. so i’ll just try my luck sending it in.