Who fixes Xbox360 RRoD

My neighbor has 3-4 year old Xbx360, that just RRoD. I have a decent idea what Im doing, but have never actually repaired one. The one I bought to fix still sits in the corner a year or so later… Anyways, does anyone on here want to look at it? Its out of the warranty time, and I dont want to break it, as its not mine. Let me know. Thanks.

I do. But it can last 1 month to a year. It’s the X-Clamp fix, if you want to google that. Otherwise I can do it for $25. $20 for the job and $5 for the parts needed.

I here this thing does a great job of fixing the RRoD issue


i could do it. i fixed one but it only lasted for like 6 months after that. then fixed it again but can only get it to stay cool if i leave the cover off of it. the older ones just suck and will keep overheating, unless you water cool it. but thats too much money for me. so i would say fuck it and pony up for a newer model
just my $0.02

I dont

Replace with ps3. Done.

Super easy, I have enough hardware to do about 100 of them just chillin’ here at the house. Results are as Ilya states, and thats if it even works… sometimes you are fucked.

RROD then becomes YLOD :lol

I have both, and they are both the newest models so hopefully I don’t have to worry about it for a while (or ever).

Part of the reason why I upgraded. However, if you have the older one but it’s a Jasper core model (HDMI port standard on these versions), then you should be RRoD immune. Only the Falcon core and the other one (Zephyr?) were RRoD’able.

I think his has the HDMI, I know it has a hdd, no idea what size tho. I will look at it in a bit. I really just dont want to have to do it myself, and have to keep fixing it, if thats the case…

Is it an Elite? Only certain models came with HDMI at first. Later on (Jasper core), all of them had HDMI. Even the Arcades. Those are the ones that are no longer have RRoD issues.

Well I guess he called Micro$oft and bitched enough to get it covered lol. So it should be all taken care of.

If not, you can borrow the vehicle in my sig to run over their headquarters.