so my moms tomato plants...

yup thats it…nasty lookin mofo’s in person

Whenever, you having a party?

Let me know, I’d like to try your salsa.

im taking it all to my moms tomorrow to be canned. I made a new batch tonight with all the left over tomatoes. I have salsa out the ass. lol

Next ps meet Ill be sure to make a batch for yall.

Cheeks is getting the first batch…he’ll let you know how it tastes.

oh and that worm thing…ewww. Im glad my tomatoes were worm free.

pics of salsa on ass

make tomato salad, sounds corny but its really good.

chop tomatos into thick chunks, add onions, salt and pepper and oregano, olive oil let chill and eat with bread and dunk it and its mmm mmm good.


Sonya thanks for helping my brother in law out…anytime you need something let me know

no problem. its what friends are for.

add some fresh mozzarella. your right that does sound good

And Balsalmic Vinegar.


ahh yes I forgot that part. no vinegar that would taste bad, just use oil.

Ketchup…lots and lots of KETCHUP!

No really, it’s good.I know most people just think of distilled white vinegar when vinegar is mentioned, but balsamic is a darker, thicker, sweeter vinegar.
I make mine like this:

Tomatoes, thick sliced or chunks
Fresh mozzarella sliced
Fresh Basil
Maybe a tiny bit of diced red onion
Equal parts balsamic (important, any other vinegar won’t work), and olive oil.

make sauce w/ it, or fry them, or sautee them w/ onion and use as a toping for sausage

canned tomato soup and grilled cheese in the winter.

i love tomatoes, but not tomato soup. :dunno:

I have 6 jars of salsa. lol what am I going to do? Ill drop one off at first bass…yall can sneak by and taste.

That tomato salad sounds really good though…I might have to go get some more…lol


i know were im headed tomorrow :slight_smile: