So my old boss is running for County Executive.


unless he can change the mindset and practices of the rest of them…
he may not perform “as expected”


Agreed, but you have to start somewhere.

Look at Amherst and Satish Mohan. Sure, he was just one guy fighting the machine. But he fought, and fought, and fought. Now he’s finally forced the highway department onto one health care provider, saving the town a huge amount of money. And it’s “free” money because nothing was cut, just a simple consolidation to one provider.

He fought the board when they wanted to rush right in and spend what ever was needed to get the October storm mess cleaned up ASAP. Assholes like board member Bill Kindel were all over the news saying what a hazard these piles of limbs were and practically promising that children were going to be killed because of them. Satish held his ground, got bids, and got Amherst a great deal on the cleanup. Now Tonawanda is all over the news because they spent way too much rushing into their cleanup and FEMA is refusing to cover the entire tab. You don’t see Amherst in trouble with FEMA and the only reason is Satish Mohan.

Now people are starting to see how hard he’s working and are taking a serious look at “Satish Approved” people for the upcoming election. Hopefully when it’s done it won’t be just Satish vs all the career Amherst politians, it will be several less career politicians and a new crew like Satish.

The same can happen in Erie County, but the voters have to stop electing these career NY politicians who answer only to special interest groups and unions.