so my window got smashed in

shit happens…

I didnt bitch on here when the back window on my truck got blown out.

An hour before my inspection

causing me to miss my inspection

causing me to get ticket number 2.

If you were looking for sympathy/attention, Just join beck over on Im sure you two would make a cute couple

Than why do you come back every time?

It sucks even more when u dont have glass coverage and u have to pay ($145 for me) to get a window replaced and the asshole(s) that did it get to still be…assholes. I’d still love to find them fuggers.

sad to see, glad that there were no surprises left inside for You.


You are fairly condescending usually.

If you are rude to someone, why would you expect sympathy?


that sucks. :frowning:

happened to me a while back but they got my cd player and my sirius radio. thats what i get for being a tard and leaving my car parked overnight by big shots :bloated:


so? my shit got broken into 2x, but it’s not worth a thread. i just fixed it, and replaced what got stolen. some of us are unfortunate enough to lose stuff as well as intact glass.

btw, the nature of the side glass on a car typically needs to be pried against in order to shatter like that. it probably wasn’t struck the way you’re thinking.

um pried against? you could just put your elbow through it and it will blow in…

well shit man, i wasn’t there nor do i know what it looks like, nor care. go run over a curb

:bsflag: She hit a curb again :stuck_out_tongue:

Get off her shit she’s just posting a rant thread. I would be irritated as hell if this happened to me. Like the last pic by the way.

on the bright side they didn’t steal your vitamin water bottle

Bristol Mountain?
They broke the window with the NYSPEED and BUFFALOSCOOBY decal?

Answer - member:snky:

Yeah, it’s gotta be tough when an entire site used to leg hump you every time you post and suddenly they just don’t give a shit anymore because your constant attitude implying you’re better than anyone who posts here.


Uuuuuuummm, it is a Subaru so I will guess yes.:wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

must have been a honda owner. Probably like an ex boyfriend or something seen it and said sure why the fuck not… sucks though get glass coverage

Thats surprising, I’ve been to Bristol a lot throughout the years and have never heard of anyone getting there shit broken into.

Ugh, Sorry Janny! People can be fucking dicks!

And it always seems the nicer the car, the more people will do out of jealousy!

And if it was some snowboarder who turned with his board and nailed/broke the window… what a piece of shit for not leaving a note or something!

Hope nothing was stolen, and that it gets fixed and fixed right!


Bet you wouldnt be complaining if they broke your window with a bad filled with a million dollars and left the bag full of money…

That sucks alot. I would be very pissed and see if Bristol has any cameras for the parking lot…