So... old timers - where do you live now?

Just wondering where you all ended up.

I’m in LA now. Not sure for how much longer, but I work with YeohBaby if you remember him :slight_smile:

Still here :wave:

I do travel all over for work however

Still in the Buffalo…Lancaster to be exact

Still in buffalo (north buffalo) not sure if im considered old timer though…

Rochester to Baltimore to NOVA/DC and finally back home to Buffalo.

Buffalo, by choice though… sorta. Its hard with a few babies to move with family so close. We really want to go to a Beach front property but its hard with no family close. I hate Buffalo winters especially with two kids and a third planned in the next year. We take 2 cruises a year with the kids and a all inclusive for our selves with a weekend Florida,NYC etc. getaway so it makes it bearable, that might or might not seem like a lot to people but thats what we spend our money on besides shit I do around the house. The Wife could get a job anywhere in the country and I could too but we stay here( because of family and age) and wish we could move every winter. Meh, buffalos not that bad except the winter with two under 4 year old kids and its like groundhogs day. Besides that everyone comes back to Buffalo to live eventually.

Still in Buffalo primarily, but in NYC every other w/e or so…tell Steve I said hi…


hi howie i live 30 min south of you :slight_smile:

Still the good ol buffalo

Still in Williamsville

Grand island but with no real family here and a pending retirement, not really sure where to go next. All we’ve ever know is here but seems like the older you get the colder the winters get.

Still in north buff

Rochester since the tail end of 2008…

Still in the WNY area, went from south towns to north towns to the even less desirable (IMHO) Elma. ( because married LOL)


been here since '05. I think that makes me an old timer?

Raleigh, NC and never looking back

I don’t think i’m an old timer… but…

I’m in Southern Orange County, CA for work. Been out here for about a year so far. I’d like to get back to NY, preferably my hometown area of Saratoga in the next 2-5 years, but we’ll see where work takes me.

still in ROC (since 97). was active on ubrf and roclife from day 1 (so 2000 ish)


Left Rochester for Buffalo in '03; moved to SLC, UT in '11; been here ever since and will be for at least 2-3 more years… then who knows where, probably VA area.