so riots in my city..

the last place i expected to have any riots or fighting, has actually ended up having just that

this is from my city etc, its the main reason why i been working alot more the last few days cuz u cant go anywhere everything is shut down and people are being stupid

and btw, i dont waste my sundays for religion,let alone wasting my life for it. i think all this religous bullshit is HIGHLY outdated…

lets get realistic…


all profit is in my pocket

no money here :smiley:

quote of the week right there man, i agree. People need to stop reading and believing whats in these stupid fuckin books and realize whats goin on in the real world. Religion BS is all fairy tales, like Leprechauns, and Unicorns.

yea , i see light at the end of the tunnel on this problem tho, i feel like more and more people are starting to see that its all just a bunch of bullshit and seriously not worth all this drama and argument

religion is very useful when used in the properly. Many of the BS that people are thinking of are people using religion as a way to con people to think something else. You cant just say religion is BS because for many people its there life, its just sad the religion gets tied into many of the brutal conflicts, especially in the middle east.

i am not biased, i am not religious but have taken a few religion courses in college. I used to think that religion was bullshit, blah blah blah, but there is true reasoning for it. I dont use it but millions of people do, it is just used in the wrong way sometimes

Ok damn i knew this was gonna happen

i just wanna make a disclaimer and correct what I meant above

Yea, religion def is good when used properly… the things they tell and teach you, the stories the suggest… etc they are all great, and to be honest I believe many of these stories and phrases quotes etc are created and written by geniuses , because alot of there teachings are truely timeless for sure !

When you think about HOW LONG ago this stuff was written, and for the amount of common sense and knowledge that has gone into it, and how true the morals and core thoughts have stayed even today, it really impresses me…

HOWEVER its ALL BULLSHIT when people go fucking walking around all the place and think in their stupid heads that shit said in the books is LITERALLY TRUE

I dont mind going to temples and shit around here but when they tell me shit like YEA this crippled guy walked in the pool of necter and came out 100% perfect… OK i get the moral of the story, but don’t stand there telling me i should literally believe this actually happened…

its like people who say MAGIC tricks are real…dude its bullshit, and i say its bullshit cuz its not REAL, however i love magic tricks and think they are SMART and well thought out however dont try to stand there and tell me this mother fucker REALLY walked through a pane of window glass…

I think I really did a good job with giving that analogy above
