So say you work for a faceless corperation.


That was pretty priceless listening to that one row over. Didn’t they kick you out after you stopped taking calls half-way through. Or something like that.


Before my buddy got fired he would record calls through his minidisk player. We had a :snky: software program that let us know when we were being recorded by the company so he had it going forever. The one gag he did wasn’t that funny but to me it was hilarious.

It was a normal call with some lady and about halfway through he stops and he says are you watching MASH? There was the theme song in the background. So she was like ummm no can we please take care of my issue. So then he starts talking about episodes of mash in between each tech support step. Finally she gets frustrated and he gets back to the last step and before he tells her to do anything he asks her " you remember that episode of MASH when that bitchy lady got her ass hung up on?" CLICK

I loved that one.