So SCS can talk shit on Pittspeed but Pittspeed moderators

fix the smell

it adds character

Pittspeed was first created so a core group of people could stay in touch after PSR closed. We had meets, BS’d at the track, had holiday parties etc. It definitely sucks that times have changed but that is life.

PS exists to be a relief for all. If you can’t sit back and laugh at it all and take it for what it is I pity you because you are missing something special. Great friendships have been formed here by simply having a common interest. To me that’s what makes this board successful.

that is truth. not sure how many friends i have as a result of this board. hell even tonight most of people i met for dinner were from this board.



fawk a n00b, who needs 'em?


But we need to race more(digracingthatis)!:hitit:



Set up an event and I will be there.

There will be 20 or so PS members at MIR. that is dig racing!

my car should run in the spring.


I’m post on Pittspeed when I’m bored at work. Whooptie fucking do. :ugh2:

Take it for what it’s worth, but you think that pittspeed is your own personal sandbox. You might claim to be the nicest guy in person, but you’re definitely a dickwad behind a computer. And sorry for singling you out, you’re definitely the most ridiculous, but you also gotta understand the monkey see, monkey do mentality going on.

I’ve been playing in this sandbox for the better part of a decade. Same with the rest of the OG’s… which again is why I mention to you that anyone that matters here doesn’t much give a fuck what your opinion is about how things operate.

This isn’t a varsity sport or a fraternity, you don’t need to try to haze the new members. This isn’t a teacher’s union, its not some bullshit seniority system that makes your opinion more valid than somebody else’s opinion just because you joined before them.

It’s OUR site and I really don’t think anyone wants to change the way things go here to suit you or any other faggot noob. If you don’t like it, fucking leave. No one is forcing you to come here.

All that crap does is turn people away because they get treated like shit.

Cry me a river, Nancy.


when this started we were all in college. No people are getting married and popping out kids and buying houses and working on careers. Priorities change. But we all have the bug. We might not all be meeting in freezing cold parking lots at 1am in the middle of nowhere near uniontown at the off chance of maybe getting to do some racing, but we are all still in it somehow… even if for the time being it may only be in our hearts. It was that way for me for several years. :dunno:

But yes. It’s never been about the cars. It’s never been about racing. It’s been about the people. Pittspeed has had a profound effect on my and many other people’s lives. We are a sort of fraternity or brotherhood. And if you want to be a part of it, you have to do it on our terms. We’re not some website trying to go out of our way to attract new members to swell our web traffic. Quality > quantity

Cant you just block his posts if you are really that uptight?

or block the oxygen to his brain… :x:

STFU n00b

and you haven’t been perma-banned why then?

no faggy tattoos.

can i get an Amen

i maybe #21

Not everyone cares for the attitude here and that’s why there is room for improvement. Personally, i don’t take this place seriously so I don’t give a shit one way or the other.