So a neighbor of ours died last week and the family was in cause of it. So they had the bright idea of moving the old lady that was left out to Idaho so she wont be alone. To be nice i said i would cut the grass and such until the house sold and id keep an eye on it for them. I also offered to help move the bigger stuff if they needed it. I went over the other day to extend my offer again and left with a desk, secretary desk, dresser, and a new Philips projection tv. This is shit they just gave me … I’m like wtf for free cause im cutting the grass and doing shit…wtf am i going to do with a tv thats as big as my fireplace?
give it to me.
Awesome! Kindness pays off. I am sure someone here would take that massive TV off your hands if you don’t have room
give me the tv
lol see, takers already!
hahaha gotta talk to the old lady about it and see what she wants to do. ill post pics of it tonight.
We were nice to our neighbor once… offering to cut grass and such, then she thought Mike was her personal landscaper and would spray weed stuff and weed-wack and what not… lazy bitch.
What goes around comes around.
Glad to hear it’s startin to come around your way
i’ll buy that tv if you dont decide to keep it
ok Let’s start the bid on the TV
and pics of the remote please:D
i’ve already got the inside connectoin… tv is mine if he tries to dump it
muah haha hahahahahahaha
life sucks.
ok well camera wont upload pistures :dunno: just sets on usb mode and the comp isnt reading them…
odd turned off firewall and antivirus and the shit started working
sweet…kindness pays off
heres a pic of it
fuckin pimp
what’s the deal? does that nonracer sonny get it or are you taking offers?