So this friend of mine...

Had an unfortunate accident while having sex with his lady.
Long story short, he fractured his penis! Fuckin OWW! he had to have surgery on it today! Ive heard of this happening but never knew anyone that had it happen to them! ouch. LOL.

I want the long story.

Poor SkunkApe! :smiley:

ohhhh man that sux.

Naw, I heard he was still a virgin



how exactly does one fracture their penis, theres no bones. a hernia maybe but not a fracture.

depends on how you realy want to define a few different words

look here: Penile Fracture and Trauma: Practice Essentials, Background, Relevant Anatomy

I am not sure exactly how, but im guessing from experience, sometimes when yer really anxious to get it in there you ram-and miss! thats what he did, or she was on top and it slipped out, bending it in half(FUCK! OUCH!) so he asks me the next day, ever have this happen to you, mines black and blue and swollen!!!_ EESH! ive had it bend it hurt but not like he described, luckily i told him to go check it out and he was told he must have surgery for it the next day(today) so im sure hes sitting at home right now with a stiff cast and some beers! LOL gotta suck to be him right now!


Anyone I know? :lol:


I feel very bad for yours and his gf/wife if thats how you guys actually bang bang bang.


i’ve had a scary close call or two in the past where i seriously thought i broke something…it’s not fun…

lol thats got to be embarassing

Atleast we’re gettin some hand jockey.

hahaha ass

and…WTF? :lol:

Haha, ok. Id make a bet its less than I do. But thats not your fault, youre married. wait, actually…yep, it is your fault.

I know who you speak of.