So this is what happened to SkyGirl...

Just got the link from a friend…

waits for the woww wowwww music haha

Full story is here:

LOL, give a shop a turbo, injectors and a manifold and tell them to make it work.

Maybe the car owner should have done some more research and invested in basic maintence items.

If she wanted over 300 HP she should have known she would need a 300ZX maf, a catch can would have been a good idea (bought after it sounds like).

And the bill seams reasonable for all of the work (fabin up intercooler, top mount turbo, dyno tuning, e-manage)

That thread is even funnier than the 780tuners one… I should not laugh on other people’s mishaps but we’ve seen this one coming from 10 miles away…

Like I said and mentioned before, It is hilarious when people reads and “researches” on the net about some other set-ups, than they think they can just buy the parts, give them to a shop, than voila, you have the numbers you dreamed off… especially when you have no clue…

I should just bump her older threads how she used to yell at me about how she knows so much about cars… than quote some stuff from her own posts… than again, I think a blown engine is funny enough…


317whp. still good but thats a lot of money put in

Haha. Reminds me my stage 5 cams incident. Oh well. They’ll learn for the next time around, just like I had to.

I highly doubt she will learn after reading this…

“oh ummm silverstone on the southside is ran by old japanese men from Japan and they know the RB20/25/26 inside out. They just wont touch the RB20 no matter how much you pay them. They are against the RB20. I am going to BEG them tomorrow morning to just “look” at my poor poor car. They were actually the first ones in edmonton to import the skyline and it was a 89 GTR go look its still in the back of the shop collecting dust I think its still illegal. LOL Its been there since they were allowed here!! That is the first time I ever seen one and that was when I knew I wanted one. Now I have a dead one!!!”

HAHAHAHAHA he wont touch it because rb20’s are fucking garbage motors hahaha :roll:

Where are all these crapped up skylines coming from? I swear people just like names…

hahah this is funny. The pic from 780 still looks like it had the factory injectors in it.

im sure if she went MUSTANG dyno 350hp will come for sure then we can see bora bow down :lol:

Ok first of all you dumb fucks, stock injectors? are u stupid? Sorry I think those are RC 550cc’s look a little closer. Second of all I had 2 catch cans not my fault if apex didnt install them. A maf? Do you always just browse then type? You look stupid cause as stated I had a MAF from a 300zx not my fault if apex didnt put it on. Did I blow my engine? NO apex didnt retard the timing so it blew. Really funny. You guys just proved what stupid fucking 15 year olds u all really are. SLIDE. You are the biggest fucking loser with no fucking life. I cant wait to see you at SCC. So what wow my engine blew due to other peoples lack of knowledge and some how that is my fault? You guys are soooo fucking stupid if you think I went there with a bunch of shitty parts. That just proves you know nothing about fuckin cars. RB20 is junk? We will see if its junk. If you knew anything about the RB"s you would be smart enough to know that the RB is the most reliable of all the RB’s made!! Fuck you are stupid. Im not broke K if I want a 25 I would have one. No one asked you guys for your opinion. but SLIDE you must have been soooo fucking intersted to go look for threads from other forums and post them up like a damn 15 year old. I bet you are what 18??? GROW THE FUCK UP. My car will be back out on monday and I will have 350 whp. if you now know my mods and seen my dyno and read the story you would be smart enough to know my set up is good. But that just proves you know SHIT about anything. FUCK OFF slide and nismo I am so happy you posted this to prove how fucking stupid, bored, retarded and jealous you really are. I did nothing to deserve the shit you say about me. Now continue you dumb fuck keep talking shit out your ass acting like a man who knows what the hell he is talking about. You NEED to get a life. FUCK YOU!!! I will have the last laugh so now continue saying shit about me to make yourself feel better if I was you I would do the same. This is pretty low you truly are a POS!!!

great way to promote your company!!! LOL

BY THE WAY: I got 317whp on a blown engine running off 5 cylinders but hey why dont I listen to you and believe my set up is junk.

hey there lol
those thread is so much timewasting lol
some kiddies r thinking they know much about some car/engine and post their shit what they’ve read somewhere =D
damn guys u r all noobs somehow =D
think the RB20 is junk, yeah, if u think that u just show how much u really know about RB’s =D
NOTHING u know about them, u noobs r like those 2f2f or NFSU2 kiddies, playing games, thought its real, don’t know what u could do with an RB20, the RB25DET isn’t really better than RB20 and yeah, 4 those noobs who think the RB26DETT is a good engine and gots much power from them, u guys r just wrong, from all engines u can’t really gots more power than from a GTS engine, doesn’t matter if RB20 or RB25
i know lots of ppl who have got much more power from/with RB20 than u would ever dream of, go back NFSU playing or GT4, than u noobs r busy and can’t got stupid thinkings like that HAHA

4 me u talking shit like a 2F2F noob =D

Im so sure thats where you got it. GET A LIFE you spend WAY too much time on the net. Maybe you should get a gf then you wouldnt be so jeaous and bored.

yeah lol u guys r just noobs =D
never had have a skyline real, except from NFSU2 or GT4 lol =D
i hate those stupido noobs who think they know alot of cars they’ve never seen real or own or have some knowledge about the engine, they only thought, its just 2000cc, 2500 cc is better or they noobs thought 2 turbos r better than 1 lol
do u noobs have listen what u r talking about? have u ever been experience about engine tuning? have u guys ever rebuild an RB or done some work on a RB before? i would say no, so guys, first buy a RB car, than we can talk again, got some real experience, not only from 2F2F or NFSU ure noobs =D

slide ure gay noob =D

just 2 add…

if somebody knows nothing about something… it’s better 2 shut ure stupid mouth =D

Now I am NOT coming back on here but I wanted to this last time because I heard you guys were talking shit not like I was suprised but it was too tempting. Really look at yourselfs in the mirror. Karma is a bitch!!! And I just read the old thread where this shit started and it sounds like a good idea to race and see who is whos bitch. Cause I BET slide will be my bitch at scc or any other track day he decides on. A few of my friends come on this gay forum so pick a day Slide and they will pass on the info. As canadianskyline says I WILL RIP YOUR CAR A NEW ASSHOLE AND THEN SOME!

Good luck!!!

Skygirl… opps can we make that ummmmm 365 WHP… seeing that I know what my car can do now…