go get that mother fucker!!!
my uncle was killed by a Drunk Driver and he was slapped on the fucking wrist! 6 months in jail and no license for a year!!! thats it!
RIP uncle :’(
go get that mother fucker!!!
my uncle was killed by a Drunk Driver and he was slapped on the fucking wrist! 6 months in jail and no license for a year!!! thats it!
RIP uncle :’(
Fukin scumbags
It blows my mind. You hear about it all the time but it doesn’t seem real until it happens to you. That is pretty much the reason I called a lawyer. You know everytime I go out with my friends, I always dd just for that reason. I am sorry about your uncle, and I am so thankful I didn’t end up like that. If anything had happened to my fiance, I would have killed the guy myself.
Very true. A broken wrist might not sound like alot but depending on how bad it can be messed up for life. How did it break?
I broke my left radius & ulna, compound fracture and the bone fragments messed up my tendons and what not in there. I have arthretic pain now in it, and it makes a sweet clicking and poping sound when I rotate it.
I also broke my right wrist last year in my bike wreck. Broke the radius, and it wasnt even that bad, but for some reason now that one makes the same clicking sounds now too.
Bang that suite home man, make them pay and learn/teach others a lesson.
Def glad you guys got out okay. I hope they hit this guy with everything. Good luck with it.
glad to hear your alright man
Yeah. I won’t know how bad until tomorrow when I see the orthpaedic Dr. Hopefully its all good.
Thanks again to everyone for the kind words.
take the mother fucker for all hes worth
wow …
super glad you and your fiance made it out without anything major and are doing ok. take everything that guy and his family owns.
So the wrist isn’t broken. Just bruised swollen and strained. Still hurts like hell!
Glad you and the girl are alright. I agree with others sue the asshole for everything you can.
Since I don’t know how to post a picture from my phone. That’s the aftermath of the car.
Double post…fml
Damn that thing is fucked. Looks like you were very lucky and your girlfriend was even luckier.
Yeah dude.
Nothing a little bondo can’t fix!