Wife got in an accident

Won’t go into much details but here is what happened…

Last night my wife (driving a friends car, she was in the car to but tired) and one other friend in the back, were leaving oshawa after a movie and were rear-ended on Rossland.

Car was an 05 Civic and is almost a write I believe… Driver of the other car failed a road side breathalizer

Sooo angry

that sucks, not another drinking and driving accident

First Anthony now my wife and friends

wrong place, wrong time.

best of luck to you and your wife. regards

whats up with late model civics and drunk drivers? Blade’s car was hit by a DD in a '06 civic :s

chinese drivaaa, no survivaaaa

The car that hit Anthony was Acura csx…

My wife was driving the civic… not sure what the other guy had.

They went and took pics today so I will try to post them up tomorrow.

sorry to hear hope everyone is ok… somone really needs to focus on DWI instead of us. cause thats all you see and hear now intoxicated people… sad should be penalized hard to that,.

hope your wife and friends are ok. if you get the info of the other driver we can setup a TNC crew to take of that. :wink:

Hope your wife was fine dude, sue the shit outta him and make sure he/she NEVER drives again. when will people learn? just the other day a woman was killed by a dd while taking her newborn out for a stroll

we dont need to send a TNC Crew to take care of it, just send in assass1n, he’ll scare them off with his wonderful body odor haha

hope your wife is ok aswell,

it’s too bad about the car but it can always be replaced.

they are making cars safer, and the public thinks that make them safer.

people forget that the most dangerous thing they do everyday is get behind the wheel of the car.

glad to hear everyoneis ok