So turbob16 is getting serious about racing me... v.POLE

What exactly happened? Aren’t lots of guys putting down that power and not blowing transmissions?

Ok so still no answer , darksack you want to run your shitbox or what man???

did you miss the post that his transmission blew up?

That’s ok I’ll give him time. I just wanna know if he wants to run ???

Simple question that requires a simple answer. We can sprt out when later!!

damn nicely, you must be thirsty for some v8

Ya I see this Vette as a small appetizer to settle me in until something else comes up!!!

wait, darkstar blew a tranny?

I never thought he was into that type of thing, but whatever.

so,is this dig or a roll?

Darkfuck can name the race. I have no problems with dig’s so it’s whatever he wants!!!

o shit!

I thought that was what he was into :confused:

never turned down a race yet. I don’t imagine you’ll be the first.

Fair enuff. Let me know when u want to make this happen. Get the tranny fixed and get the vette sorted no excuses!!!

:rofl: big man making 100 g’s a year.single, no kids, yet you still own a c5 gay ass automatic with a leaky roof beat up interior.
If i was drunk 365/24/7 which almost am. I’d take better care of that shit silverbox

damn you are so full of shit.

turn your own fucking wrenches. lost all respect for you…
go back to dsm’s and honduhs pizza boy

talk big game on the nets, but in the end just a lemming trying to fit in…


ok toughguy.

You had respect for me? :eek:

Ok asshole, I’m not acting tuff. It’s simply about me giving you your race whatever you want. And about my car walking the living hell out of your shitbox

am i to understand he drives an auto vette and doesn’t work on it himself? yikes


Can we change the Poll Yet?

Haha ya go ahead get a poll for Darkstain vs SteelCityEvo !!!

I already know the outcome of this race but hey poll it up