So what is a 20mph over going to run me? $$

in lancaster its $20 per mile over the limit, so when you plea it down with the DA it should run around $2-300

i did 81 in a 55 zone. city
6 points $310

THen again that was almost 4 years ago

I got pulled over on main in clarence a couple weeks ago. 58 in a 45. Pleade not guilty of course, anyone care to guess my fine?

Read the post above yours. He got a $50 fine and $25 school.

There are no hard fast rules about how much your fine will be. As stated earlier there are tons of variables that go into the fine they set, not the least of which is what kind of mood the judge is in.

Wouldnt cost me shit, I am buds with a few Lancaster popo’s and drink with the chiefs son all the time. sorry sucka.

Speeding fines are only like the 20$ a mph over thing if u plead guilty, then the money goes to the state, but if you plead not guilty and they work it down to parking tickets (99% of the time) the town/city/watever gets the money. Thats why almost all traffic tickets are reduced to parking, you can thank the system and greedy people for once.

When I still lived up there 103 in a 55 was only $180 that was in west seneca. It was also on the 400, I was pulled over when it was still a 55mph speed limit. I read in the paper that it was going to be switched to a 65mph in a month so asked for an extension. Went in once it was 65 so now it was less than 40 over, saved myself from being charged with wreckless.

(on our way to the vet, kitten had a collapsed lung at 1am)

Since its your first offense they will drop it it considerably… it will be no points and probably $150-250 AND SCHOOL!!


fuck the police! lol how do you get a copy of your driving abstract?

Finding it amusing how many people keep speculating what your fine will be long after you’ve posted the results of your court date? :slight_smile:

Don’t be throwing that logicial bullshit in here. Obviously someone hijacked his account, because speeding would result a life sentance to the nearest Federal PMITAP, and there is no way he could have posted that.