Ticket questions

Today i received a ticket on nf blvd. I was coming home from the gym and my stomach was killing me I had to get to a bathroom fast. I was 2 minutes away from my house than I was hit with the Ka band. He clocked me at 62mph in a 40mph.

Questions :

Will I get points for a 62 in a 40 ?
How much money can I expect to pay?
Being that im 18 will that affect anything?


you’re going to wish that you hadn’t posted this in OT.

O my bad im just asking a few q’s . I take full responsibility for my actions Im just looking for some anwsers to some one who has received a ticket before this is my first one.

Yes, definitely points for 12 over. Not only that but since it’s speeding they are points that will really bump your insurance.

Not sure the cost.

Shouldn’t matter that you’re 18 except that your insurance company will hit you twice as hard.

Now for the good news. Being that it was NFB chances are it was Amherst or Tonawanda right? Both of them are very good about giving reductions. Plead not guilty, go to court, chances are they drop it to a no point parking ticket and maybe make you go to traffic school.

It’s been a very long time since I’ve gotten ticketed for anything. I can tell you that ~10 yrs ago ToT was very good about knocking a 13 over ticket down to a parking violation. Total cost was ~220.

62 in a 40.

12 over?

Your math sucks, old man :slight_smile:

He means that since it is in OT, I can post anything that i want in here.

Like did you shit yourself since you had to pull over?


Dam they want me to go to Tonawanda Ill double check. You say they could drop it to a no point parking ticket but than how would I have points ?

no u shouldnt get any ponts. it will most likely get reduced to a parking tikit. and u most likely will have to go to school. the tikit will probley be around 100 to 200 it depends on the court. the schools like $30.

No my stomach calmed down when I was pulled over it muswt have traveled back up… thats what the tolet looked like after I was done though



Im willing to pay anything up to 500 I just really wouldnt like the points thanks for giving me some good info guys pray for me.

IF they reduce it to a parknig ticket there areno points and you pay a fine ($100 - 200). You also attend a 4(?) hour traffic rules class ($30 - 50).

If they give you this option, TAKE IT.

Otherwise, 22 over the limit will RAPE your insurance rates for 39 months, and will cost you ALOT more.

APD will be a bit more expensive, but less likely to send you to school.

Tikit? Seriously? :fail::fail::fail:

Its tonawanda I just hope I get the option of a fine and school. Do I have to send in the ticket and plead not guilty on the ticket it says you can only plead not guilty it the cop didnt put down a supporting deposition. But under supporting depostions it says speeding so I guess I just plead not guilty on the court date on paper and dont send anything by mail ?

Another question so I just plead not guilty in court. Does the judge go like why the fuck were you speeding you punk fuck and I have to explain or does he just tell me what my punishment is and I walk away. And do I wear a suit or just regular clothes.

It’s been a while but: wear something decent. you’ll never see the judge, you’ll sit with the DA. he’ll ask you whats up, you tell him w/e, he says school & fine, have a nice day./

Ok thanks guys