Ticket questions

Damn you iphone and your tiny keyboard. 62-40 != 12. :slight_smile:


My last one in Amherst the DA never even looked up. There was a huge line outside his office in the order you signed in. When he called my name I walked in and he said, “Jason, we’re going to reduce this to parking. Go wait in court for the judge”. Never looked up, only thing I ever said was “thank you”. :slight_smile: Judge called my name, said how many parking tickets speeding ticket was reduced to and how much the fine was. Walk over, pay it, end of story. No points, no insurance issues, just pay the man some cash for your crimes for full redemption.

Still, wear something decent, no jeans, no sneakers etc. If the DA does talk to you don’t use your “I needed to take a shit” excuse because he’s just going to tell you that on NFB you passed at least 5 places with public restrooms while speeding. Play the sympathy card (I’m a student, I live at home, I’m trying to save up to get a place blah blah what ever applies) as well as the responsibility card (I should have been paying more attention to my speed, it was my fault etc etc). Unless some speeder ran over the DA’s dog the night before I can pretty much guarantee you get a reduction.

tiny keyboard…


A bit of both. We can’t all have delicate little girl hands designed purely for stroking other mods and admins. :wink:

You should order a special dialing wand…

so it’s true that Viagra makes you fat?



at least you spelled it right.