So what is a 20mph over going to run me? $$

Anyone had a 20mph over in Lancaster? I just want to know what kind of $$ i’ll have to bring along to court?

My first ticket in my 6 years of driving.:roll2:

Rough estimates?

what was the speed limit of the road you got the ticket on?


Pleading not guilty, with reductions could be anything depending if they reduce it to something.

However, 20 over if you plead guilty would probably be a few hundred.

Depends on the speed limit where you were picked up, the officer’s notes, if the judge got laid the night before, the alignment of the moon and a bunch of other stuff.

Also depends what it gets reduced to, since if it really is your first in 6 years they’ll probably knock it down to a non-moving violation.

i was stopped for going 69 in a 55 and my fine was $230 if thats any indication.

Go in, plead not guilty, get a reduction. I have a 3 page driving abstract but went in with 0 points currently on my record for a 74 in a 45 (that was reduced on the scene) and got it dropped again to 9 over with a $250 fine. Granted I also had a 65 in a 35 (speed limit sign was covered) that I got reduced to a 64 in a 55 (since I was coming from a 55 zone) that cost me a hair shy of $500 due to a prick of a judge. Go in, get it reduced, find out what it’s gonna run you, then goto the bank the next day.

^ Im getting close to you, I have a 2.5 page abstract.

Thanks for the advice guys :tup:

maybe change to $150 parking ticket

Plead guilty, and then say that you can’t pay the fine. Spend a few nights in jail, and get to know Bubba a little better.

Bring lots of jelly. It sucks when you run out of jelly.

Yeah, Bubba likes grape jelly.

all courts and fines vary alot.

orchard park 23 over in a 55 cost me 160$

Wow some of you guys get raped on your speeding tickets. Maybe its the whole NOT GUILTY thing that does it. I got 22 (67 in a 45) over in West Seneca, pled guilty and it was reduced to $120 parking fine. I got 25 (80 in a 55) over in Ashford which is a stickler town for tickets, pled guilty there too and got $175 parking fine.

I got caught doing 85 in a 65 on the thuway… ended up with no points and a 180.00 fine.

all depends really. let us know how it goes

fuck im glad my badge gets me out of all

So I go to court tonight and there is no court…lol.The officer issued the wrong time/date on the ticket.

Wonderful,I rearrange my shit for them and have a half way decent attitude about the whole thing and this is where it gets me.

Called them up and they said :

“We must have made a mistake,call back and re-schedule a time when its convenient for you”

Its a stiff penalty if I dont show up for court but what happens if they dont? LOL


i just went to lockport court tonight

70 in a 45 - dropped to 2 points and 130 fine
inpurdent speed - dropped to noise violation another 130 fine

total - 2 more points on my license and 260 fine.

$50 fine
$25 for school