The Cardio Thread

25:00 for 3 miles is “good enough” for me, I’m not into competition so much just trying to burn cals… I’ve averaged that pace on a treadmill before but that’s not “real”… Plus, like dynos, some treadmills are “faster” than others :lol

Could probably go faster if there was a dozen chicken wings at the finish line or something…

But Kramer, come on kid, you’re a young buck so you should be able to clock that with no training, completely hung over,

No $hit, that 5K is blazing man, you a cross country runner? It’s one thing to pace yourself, it’s even more impressive to have the muscular endurance to maintain that pace.


I dunno what defines “run”, but if you’re doing 8:30 min miles, I’d consider that running (7.2 mph). Shoot, for me, anything over 6 mph looks like I’m having a seizure probably.