So whats the deal with homeless in toronto?

2 words… Soylent Green.

There must be a lot of singing drunks/homeless dudes in Buffalo. I remember like 4 years ago I was outside of what was then the Backstage Pub, and this dude was singing for money and he sang some Lynyrd Skynyrd song or something and I gave him all my change and like 2 bucks. I told him to go get some 40’s or something. He was mad good.

:lol: no shit… thats awesome

when i was there last winter, i remember specifically, them sleeping on the sewer grates because of the warmer air that comes out of them.

most would probobly be shocked at how many of these “bums” are professionals who have a nice house and nice family. begging is their full time job, and they do well.
not all of them obviously, but it is something i heard of being common up there.

at what point in your life do you decide …i’m done trying to find a normal mans working job, or trying to live with family until i get back on my feet…i’m going to get rid of everything i own and sit outside…full time

Go to NYC. On the walk to breakfast I had to step over a guy sleeping in the middle of the sidewalk at 10am. Not in a doorway or alley, just middle of the sidewalk. No one seemed to notice.

I met him a few times when i went to ECC north, Brought him breakfast at mc’donalds a few times honestly he is a real nice guy from what i could gather.

Backstage Pub brings back memories! EEP.

Some of them don’t have families? It’s easy to judge their situation in the context of our lives, but that doesn’t mean it’s a realistic impression.


To a lot of people, living like that is a viable option…