So what's your ought-eight new years resolution?

I understand, Skunkape can vouch for me(It pisses him off), I’ve always been blessed with really low BF%. I don’t even do any cardio EVER. I can eat anything I want and not gain an ounce of fat.




that is all, carry on being ripped.

I’m going to try to drink only when its free and only on extremely special occasions.

when you get hammered with your cousin on xmas day, after gifts, then go back to the girls parents house and throw up in their bathroom you too will have a moment of clarity

In on the hate wagon. Bastard

Hey man i am following two programs that work together. They are called FD/FS and P/RR/S founded by Eric Broser. I also have to supplement lots of carbs and protein IE: Waxy Maize Starch and ON 100% Whey. I need to take in as many calories as i can because it is kind of hard for me tp put on size. I also have to keep my cardio down alot while bulking which sucks. If you want the program i have P/RR/S posted on here somewhere and i could e-mail you FD/FS(I have seen huge gains on this one) if you want it. During FD/FS you really cant do any cardio and have to eat tons. Let me know if you want it.


werd… same here.

oh, and stop drinking pepsi too… but I can’t for some reason. I need my fix

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH That’s the exact same thing Skunk says word-for-word

ugh i iknow the feeling…had straight crown all night the other night then some “alien secretion” drink mixed up by my chemist friend…needless to say I threw up like 5 times or so…god never again…what am i saying. There is no God, at least thats how i felt after that night/day

Build miata. Not sure if the 5oh is still go. but I will get that damn thing in a track ready state.
Make money.
more burnouts…I really feel I did not do enough last year.

  1. quit smoking
  2. get completely out of debt
  3. finish the Trans Am

catch aids nothings cooler then aids

turbo 2.3. :tup:

don’t get soft anything less than a 5.0 and you are a ladyboy

finish GT --> LX swap on Mustang, put new rear end in Mustang, get Mustang painted, finally have a car that I am proud of and eternally happy with. running a mid-13 second pass or better would be nice too, but if not o well.

and im on the “i need to go to the gym more” bandwagon…not tryin to get ripped, just stay healthy.

AND…to keep the NYSpeeders happy…wait for it…


that is all.

1% BF

and be able to fit a whole Carlo Rossi jug up my ass

also to strectch my dick so its 6 inches longer so I can meet my goal of 8 inches

Get the finances in order

Buy a house

Spread more LT1 hate.

Make more $$$

-Avoid swapping to the LS1 all year

-Make more money

  • To lose 20 lbs.

  • To make my new apartment into a brothel. Not really, but I bet random sluts are going to get pounded out in my living room by my friends.

  • Spend my money wisely, and save some of it.

  • Go back to school.

  • Make more money.

He likes the orange z06 in paddocks showroom, but im still trying to get the supercharged version. Come on dad!