So what's your ought-eight new years resolution?

wat i thought u weighed 170??

I have always been “blessed” depending on how you look at it with alot of bulk muscle mass, I have a barrel chest etc and im as wide as a brick shithouse. I’m 5’8. My only real goal is to lose the fatand tone what i have, i have done it before well and then old diet habits creepp in. I’m to the point that I hate eating shitty foods, so I dont anymore. I dont eat junk food it makes me physically feel sick. I eat as natural as I can and stick to a training diet i had when i was training muay thai. All i personally care about is being able to shed the unwanted fat and pounds, increase core strength so that I can manage my own bulk more for things like rock climbing.

no soda in my crown :stuck_out_tongue:

make money
save money
spend money on MYSELF
loose a shit ton of weight
go back to school
get a better job

I’ve been lifting hard for a couple of months now, I’m up to 175lbs and 5% BF. Trying to gain 10 more lbs of lean muscle by summer.

I’m the exact same way, I don’t eat any fried foods whatsoever. I drink water, juices, and atleast one V8 a day. On training days I take a protein shake just before bed, since 33% of your growth happens when your asleep. That’s how I gained so much muscle mass.

A real bike!?

My real bike was the best purchase I ever made. I love passing motorthings in congested traffic. I was riding to school up until November 11th.

I don’t have any resolutions. I’m pretty fantastic.

lol, yea ive been gaining a lot of weight, i joined the gym with ken and oroc. they show me the ways lolol

lol OK I guess mine is similar to you guys: Get less fat. I’m up to like 190, weighted 170-175 all through college and had more muscle. The body fat monitor on my scale just reads “Humans only, no cheeseburgers on scale.”

Don’t get me wrong, I still look dead sexy. I just don’t feel good like this.

Drink alcohol less
Become licensed at job
Save money
Quit gambling
Start running more
Buy a house
Learn Chinese
Quit drinking soda

Thats all for now.

Word im bulking right now those are the gains i want for 08 its not i want to get down to those numbers i want to get up to those numbers. As of yesterday i was 177lbs in the evening.


5% BF really? Thats like competetive bodybuilding levels. Like uber shredded type shit. Not starting shit just saying thats kinda ummm out there. Shake before bed FTW.

Off to the gym ill be back in a short.

word what are u doing for bulking at the moment?

The goal I have for 2008 is to pay off my Lotus.

I’m planning to try and eat less than 5 Baconator meals a week or at least stop getting soda with them, and beat my 10.4 pass with some seat time in the car. I’d say the chances of beating the 10.4 pass are higher…mmm Wendys. :slight_smile:

get down to 200lbs im at 225 now… thats about it :gotme:

oh and have sex at least once

get school done

start and finish remodeling the new house

get certified at work.

lots of track time/seat time.

see my family more.

see my friends more.

learn something new.

:lol:, married life, :frowning:

yea its a great time

seat time is good, driver mods are better. Less baconators and you will go faster :stuck_out_tongue:

“Just hook it into my veins”