i didnt realize that dude pick up his project and was running with it. i know a while back it just died. did he go open source with it?
ok, so new problem…car is a 91 civic hatch, we stripped a 91 teg LS for the entire harness from the ECU, all under the dash, through the firewall, and the engine harness…we have EVERYTHING…also took motor and tranny from said teg.
now to convert to OBD1…would we just need an OBD1 engine harness for a OBD1 integra LS and the conversion harness kit? then just run the p75 we have?
OBD0->OBDI Conversion Harness
Chipped P28 ECU
^ thanks, now i understand what we are doing lol. now i just gotta junkyard an OBD1 disty and o2 sensor.
thats way too much for a chipped ecu. buy a virgin ecu and take it to mikes, it will cost you much less.
we already have a p75 we got for free. so i think we are gonna chip and use that with cromePRO and join tuning forces with Slomies
thats way too much for a chipped ecu
just buy a virgin one and take it to mikes to ge chipped if you are tuning with him.
I know the ECU is way too much, but the kid’s got deep pockets, so I didn’t think it mattered.