So which one of you mother fuckers did it?

Paul are you a fucking idiot? Not just because of my relationship with a few of the area PD’s and their guys (especially Rotterdam), but you have to be to make a statement like that. Rotterdam’s PD is an EXTREMELY good police department. If your bike was stolen when u were 12 and they couldnt retrieve it for you, sorry, let it go; but dont say they dont do their jobs…because you obviously have no clue…and the city of schenectady may have its few fuck ups (just like every job on the planet), but they are a decent police department. Its sad to see the media spin the city’s guys to be such a shitty department as a whole, when that isnt remotely the case.

I agree with you A. probably 99% of whats brought up on these kids will be reduced to next to nothing (considering what theyve done, and what theyll learn from it). But they will still be processed and have to deal with some type of consiquence (sp). So be happy for that and whatever they get, they get. I think its great they were caught…best of luck recovering the insurance $ and as much of the stolen goods as possible!