So which one of you mother fuckers did it?

Ni99a got bikes on bikes.

ive seen this little group of punk biker gang kids at the lot earlier in the year. it seems they have resorted to felony’s.

I say someone goes Danny Bonaduce and 'roid rages on these children.

I find it hard to believe that these children would be mechanically inclined enough to dismantle Mike’s car though…

probably stealing and dismantling so many bikes got nice wit the wrench. It is pretty nuts tho when you picture it.

ya or whoever beats their ass doesnt have to be identified, could just be a random hit and run lol

my brother works for the village and during the same time all of this is going on there is a group of kids (assuming) playing sprinkler hockey (knocking the heads off the sprinklers at the town building) causing the sprinklers not to work and all of the water to rush out of one hole like a fire hydrant

I am not going to lie, that sounds funny actually. I know people that mow over one accidently with a push mower and it blew right up their ass!haha. but really thats the same dumb shit they should get beat for.

We have 2 names now, just waiting to find out how to work it from here. They are only 15. We need evidence to present to the cops to got get them and throw them in juvi (if that), then sue the welfare parents for the insurance deductable. Cops can take the names, but unless my turbo is sitting on the living room floor as they open the door for the officer, they wont be able to do shit. we need to catch/ screw them into doing something stupid again to get the cops to do somethign.

My idea is to setup a buy for one of the identifying parts I had, get it on camera or in paper (bill of sale, stupid kid wont know any better). zip tie the kids hands behind them and pin them down until the cops show up.

aha got a plan … pm me

just saw a group of colonie punks…there was 5 sitting at the corner by the habib store near mcnutt and sand creek

one of the kids name is mike, hes the one that drives the red and black 2.5rs. he was riding a naked yellow bike (no stickers, no brakes, nothing)
and there was 2 black kids wearing red shirts and red hats riding black bikes (old school little kid bikes with crotch pads and handlebar pads and everything) looked like one of those pedal back bikes. looked to be about 5’9’’ 125lbs
and i couldnt see the other 2 kids cause the trees were in the way

i almost hit 2 of the ******* with the 240 so now im proceding to lock up the vw, the shed, 240 and the trailblazer because im pretty sure one kid knows where i live

on its way.:thumbup

you also have a PM from me

Little black boy and his 4 friends will be going to jail soon! Lets just say the power of the internet is a wonderful thing. I owe BlueS14240sx and someone else on here that said they might want to stay anonymous (shout your self out if you want to man).

We dug up some HARD FACTS that shit cans ALL OF THEM. Have an appt to talk to the detective tomorrow after work.

Some of the charges will be:

Section 165.50 Criminal possession of stolen property in the third degree
A person is guilty of criminal possession of stolen property in the third degree when he knowingly possesses stolen property, with intent to benefit himself or a person other than an owner thereof or to impede the recovery by an owner thereof, and when the value of the property exceeds three thousand dollars.
Criminal possession of stolen property in the third degree is a class D felony.

Section 165.11 Auto stripping in the first degree
A person is guilty of auto stripping in the first degree when he or she removes or intentionally destroys, defaces, disguises, or alters any part of three or more vehicles, other than abandoned vehicles, as defined in subdivision one of section one thousandtwo hundred twenty-four of the vehicle and traffic law, without the permission of the owner, and the value of the parts of vehicles removed, destroyed, defaced, disguised, or altered exceeds an aggregate value of three thousand dollars.
Auto stripping in the first degree is a class D felony.

Section 165.05 Unauthorized use of a vehicle in the third degree
A person is guilty of unauthorized use of a vehicle in the third degree when:

  1. Knowing that he does not have the consent of the owner, he takes, operates, exercises control over, rides in or otherwise uses a vehicle. A person who engages in any such conduct without the consent of the owner is presumed to know that he does not have such consent; or
    Unauthorized use of a vehicle in the third degree is a class A misdemeanor.

Section 155.35 Grand larceny in the third degree
A person is guilty of grand larceny in the third degree when he steals property and when the value of the property exceeds three thousand dollars.
Grand larceny in the third degree is a class D felony.

Section 145.10 Criminal mischief in the second degree
A person is guilty of criminal mischief in the second degree when with intent to damage property of another person, and having no right to do so nor any reasonable ground to believe that he has such right, he damages property of another person in an amount exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars.
Criminal mischief in the second degree is a class D felony

Section 140.10 Criminal trespass in the third degree
A person is guilty of criminal trespass in the third degree when he knowingly enters or remains unlawfully in a building or upon real property
Criminal trespass in the third degree is a class B misdemeanor.

The 17 year old can get: because he had a 15 year old in the car.
Section 145.25 Reckless endangerment of property

A person is guilty of reckless endangerment of property when he recklessly engages in conduct which creates a substantial risk of damage to the property of another person in an amount exceeding two hundred fifty dollars.
Reckless endangerment of property is a class B misdemeanor.

There are 4 class D felony’s above!
The penalty applicable to a class “D” felony is
imprisonment of no more than five years, and a fine of at
least $500 but not more than $7,500

Max for all that shit is 20 years and $30,000 fine!!!

Man if reading that doesn’t keep you on the straight and narrow, HOLY FUCK.

I WIN! lol glad we got em dude


Who’s the detective? PM me, brah.



Congrats. Hopefully you get your stuff back

holy shit congrats!!!

Nice to see that the cops (with some help) actually did their job. More than Id expect from Rotterdam cops for sure.

Congrats man!!! Good to hear!