So which one of you mother fuckers did it?

your on the right path keep us posted!!!

Couple houses in my neighborhood got robbed lastnight also.

:lol OHhh my fucking god that so funny man. I am crackin up over here.

where abouts is that? any whitnesses?


got nothin…^^^^ im too young for that one (judging buy the quality of the pic) rofl

Yeah i dont either. It was the only halfway funny thing I could find under google images. lol

dude wtf! what did they take? anything from your homestead?

fail lol

“wheres your gun?”
“idontneed it…i kill mothafuckas wit mah hands”


This town is going to shit.

dude its johawk and myers lolol

oh man, i really wish they would go to jail and get 10cents per hour of backbreaking labor and pay for every single item to you and everyone they own, plus damages and install cost to put it back on as it was. maybe then they would learn the value of things.

Steakout FTW!

HTF do you people not know this. Granted, im 25, but even i knew that as soon as i saw it

Doug Butabi: So anyways, I was standing there waiting to use the pay phone.
Steve Butabi: Yeah, he was, seriously.
Doug Butabi: And this guy who was on the phone, turns around and tips his hat like this.
Steve Butabi: And who do you think that guy was?
Doug Butabi: Emilio Estevez.
Steve Butabi: The Mighty Duck man, I swear to God, I was there.
Doug Butabi: Of course you were, you were the one who yelled the Breakfast Clubber’s name.
Steve Butabi: I was like, “Emilio.”

We cant say anything for a little while about this, but:


come on spill the beans!

Soon grasshopper.