So which one of you mother fuckers did it?


Just read all 11 pages and holy wow… Kids today have no values at all… They dont wanna work to feel like they earned what they have lets just go take someone elses… Im sure they learned it from there parents… Oh well a lengthy criminal record will be the proudest accheivement… Very sorry to hear of ur loss OP im sure with some time u will be back better then ever. I hope those kids get everything they deserve but most times the system fails anyways. If it were me id have there facebooks myspace and any social site posted here as to teach them were a huge society and they need not to fuck with us! I hope u become stronger from this bro…

well the one kid has been at Capital District Juvenile Secure Detention Facility since then and i dont think he is getting out for a long while

and mike is already back better than ever, check out his build thread lol.

WORD! so what happened with the other kids slap on the wrist?

pretty much, im pretty sure the black kid is on probation and had to do community service

Thanks for the support buddy.

Actually on friday evening I got a call from the DA, but he left me a message. I left him 2 in return and havnt gotten a hold of him to follow up yet.

Blue240, he left me a message about A, B…ski I think he is finally going to trial.

Once I hear from the DA, and the trial is done… and they all get sentenced how ever, I will update this and spew all the information, names, pictures, everything we found. They will be in the paper for it, so it public record, I am just adding to it! lol

he hasnt gone to trial yet?!? he has been at the juvijail since he was picked up that day

Guess not. 17 you can be tried as an adult… that little dick better go to jail!

As one of the owners/plantiff u should be able to dictate what happens. I know in most cases they go as far as u want… Id say prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law nothing less… Pos dont deserve any consideration due to his age. Fuck em let em rott

Ohh I am. I have very little respect for ass hole kids these days. Those little fuckers have no drive to succeed, half ass school, waste parents money and gov assistance to go to school and flunk out, or grad only to work at Mc Donalds anyway… The kid fucked up once prior to and was arrested and let off on Ohh lets not put him away, take it easy on him… FUCK THAT. less than a year later your right back at it and get caught again… insert :drop the soap smiley

What a shitty ass judicial system we have here.

Anthony Bruschi 17!/profile.php?id=1153923994

Apparently the night we nailed him, shortly after when he was released and waiting to get sentenced he also stole a car with the keys in it and crashed it and got nailed for that too. Scumbag didnt learn I guess.

Tomorrow he is being give a plea down to one felony, 6 months in jail, 5 years’ probation and has to pay restitution back $1200-2200 depending on how it works with the insurance co we had to deal with + fine. Fucking getting off easy i would say. I have no say in how far to prosecute him. I just spoke with the colonie DA.

As for the others, NONE OF THEM GOT ARRESTED, YET.

Keon Fink & Dan Schmidbauer. Even though the evidence we found on facebook on keons wall, feel free to friend that little ass hole I am sure he will accept you like a retard, and look back at the date this all started and find out what we did, he was brought in and questioned but never arrested.

I am a little pissed they didnt get nailed more. maybe a little shift 518 back woods justice needs to happen?

thats bullshit. i say each one of those punks is sent to jail for what they did(according to wahtever time sentence the statute says), then they sent to what is basically a slave labor camp to work off their debt to society such as legal fees for both sides, damage to property(cars and cost of repairs and parts and all that), make them pay for everything they cost us as the society by being in jail and any other expenses incurred. that shit should keep em SO BUSY for the next two decades they’ll hardly have time to sleep, much less think of dumb shit to do next like more theft, gta, vandalism and all that bullshit.

I like the idea for working off the money WE spend to keep people in jail. If your in there for 10 years, and it costs $10 a day to keep them there thats $36,500 we spend to let you sit on ass in a cell. and $10 a day is not the right figure… I bet its 100+, with the facility, overhead… never the less call it 37K. make them do hard labor, farming, iron working, asbestos removal, shit that people dont want to do, and do it for half of what min wage is. the “money” they would make gets paid back to the state or what ever houses these criminals.

since they really arnt getting paid to do it, the jails arnt spending any more money than they already are, but the flip side it the bussinesses that use the “free labor” profit from it, and that might help the economy get better, becasue the overhead costs for the bussiness lessened so the prices should then come down on the product. See where I am going with this.

I should call the judge and DA and tell them every day he sits in jail, he shoudl have to come to my garage and wash and wax my car, till he gets out! lol

They use to have farms at alot of the prisons where they would have inmates tend to them and then they would sell the produce but Patteron put an end to that recently

I probably didnt see the good it was doing for the economy. :rofl

I see what you did there. Patterson didnt.

ohhh double funnay!!! +1 rep

Oh geewilikers you guys are funnnnnay

While the thread is off topic, I take my daughter up in the corning tower when me visit my dad sometimes. At the main sign in, its in the underground part, lots of granite and dark stone, its a huge room. Well they have this maybe 8x10 of Patterson in a gold frame, dead smack in the middle of the wall, and nothing else. Its just amusing, very small pic, of his dumb stare. Makes me lol everytime, but now Im sure they will replace it, and this saddens me. Bwah

befor they take it down, sneak in and tape on a set of those eye glasses with the eyeballs dangleing out on springs! hahahaha