So which one of you mother fuckers did it?

I think everyone from the Novembeard thread should be in attendance. wearing all black and thugged out

I’m down to come to the trial, show some shift support.

they are publicly seated. is it 11pm or 11 am? Id be down to come show support.

11PM and I’ll be there, but I assume you meant 11AM which means I’ll still be in NYC, I come home that afternoon.

Are megaphones allowed in the courtroom?

Probably not. :frowning:

:rofl you and that megaphone

When is the trial? I think I wanna come watch these idiots make BIGGER asses out of themselves. Mouthing off to a judge after you got busted like that? HOLYSHITDUMBASS!

its 11AM on the 23

Albany County Judicial Center

6 Lodge Street

Albany, NY 12207

Everyone should go dressed as the Boondock Saints, theres going to be some justice if the judge doesnt make it happen.

I kind of want to go. There is no way I will be up that early, much less driving my loud ass car to a courthouse. Thats just asking for it. lol

they dont bother you if you are showing up at the courthouse, im debating on going myself…either way ill see him when he gets out :clap

damn, of ALL the days, it has to be this one.

count me out for going, I’ve got a clinical competency and then a test which I absolutely MUST ace

At the correctional facility i worked at over the summer, the ni9s had theyre own flower bed that they meticulously took care of. Well one day the grass was wet and i slid into it in the work truck, few days later we were dumping dust from the demo saw on them :rofl just figured id share that.

on the avg it costs 1700 a day to house a inmate , and thats if they are in good health

hahahaha. Sorry brotha’s.

It is funny though, that they could do something that nice and put pride into flowers, but they cant pay some babys moma child support for something they also planted seeds in! hahaha

Its a god damn no brainer. its going to cost us $255,000 to put this ass hole 17yr old kid in jail for 5 months! make that little mother fucker work off that debt at min wage $7hr. thats 36,428 hours of work. hahah he would be working that for 17.5 years! lol

.45 justice. costs about 35 cents a “round” of justice



thats what i said before. make him work it off.

That figure isn’t accurate. Its roughly 20k-30k a year. Thats the biggest argument for those who oppose the death sentence. The cost of a life sentence is cheaper than lethal injection.

Thats an outrageously skewed figure