so who else got their ride keyed at the S&R Cruise night on 5/30/07?

Its gotta be hard to designate all the different kid of modified cars now a days. Thats another reason I wouldnt bother showing off my GP. I would ~like~ for people to be like, “thats cool, the car is fast yet, looks stock” but, I doubt that’ll happen. It would be nice to get some positive feedback for all my blood, sweat, tears, and money. I just know I’d be passed over, esp. if I was placed next to a car with a body kit, 20" rims, huge wing, ect.
But, oh well I’ll just go and look.

Joe, you’re wrote a novel here about your show when you’re already rebutted my statement! lol :slight_smile:

If your show allows car owners to be classified as they like (allowing me for example to park my car with a production / performance class rather than with the “tuners”) then your show is an exception in this area.

Shows like the S&R cruise night and other local cruises push anything that’s not a V8 or classic domestic car in with the tuners. Owners like myself are forced to park their cars where, like the subject of this thread, they are more prone to being scratched, etc.

It’s simply an issue of parking. It’s not and issue with classing, trophies or judging in my mind.

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:33,topic:30273"”]

I dont really see the problem. If he offers an import section for the years your car fits into, then atleast they offer something that applies.


There isn’t a problem since he explained above that he’d let performance import cars that don’t want to be parked / classed with the tuners go with the production classes. :tup:

The gripe that others and myself have with other local cruise nights / shows is that if we’d like to go to any of these shows, we’re thrown in with the “tuners.”

The problem isn’t his show.

I think one of the basic points Onyx is also trying to make is "Please put the nice modified imports with other nice cars and far AWAY from the sport compact crap (and the type of people that come with them) that plagues that show.


[quote=“Onyx Z32,post:42,topic:30273"”]

Joe, you’re wrote a novel here about your show when you’re already rebutted my statement! lol :slight_smile:

If your show allows car owners to be classified as they like (allowing me for example to park my car with a production / performance class rather than with the “tuners”) then your show is an exception in this area.


Yea, I always seem to write a novel when it comes to my show since usually around this time of you, I always get in some type of rebuttal or heated discussion. Sort of old habit :slight_smile:

So on that note, hope you will come to our show :smiley: And as I stated in the past, if a bunch of NYSpeed people come as a club, you can park as a club. It would be a great way to showcase your cars and show that there IS an alternative/difference to Tuners/Sport Compacts. :wink:

As for the Summit Mall show. I have nothing to do with the planning, etc of that. We just basically go there take some pics and videos and get some great exposure. After a while, it gets boring, but thats why we try to get them to bring some models in. Makes it more interesting :slight_smile:
As for the parking, make it known to 103.3 that you want to part your performance modified cars with the classics and late models and not the tuners. If this is something that you feel that tey should allow, let them know. I’ll even mention it too. But I’d say most of the guys saying yeah or nah to the cars coming in at each side don’t know how to classify what cars should go where.

The classics/late model side is a lot more laid back and you don’t get the scruff that shows up and causes problems. But I would say it’s safe to think that most of the people there causing trouble don’t have a car of their own in the show.

Thats the issue Joe, those “security guards” dont know really care unless its a classic muscle car. You go over to the side with the so called fast and furious as the sign says, you got completely stock vehicles with tons of stereo equipment going for the bass off only, and filling up the parking lot. To be honest, the main reason for the trouble at the show is the bassoff. it takes up way too much space becasue all of the cars are lined up through the rows and when you want to leave all the people around the kustom Workz trailer and the cars in line dont want to get out of your way becasue they want to see what gets put up on the db meter. if all the cars competing for the bass off were to show some respect and be allowed more room at a single end and NOT RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE, i think that would resolve a lot of the problems. back to the “security guards” who stand at each entrance letting people in, they should be able to tell the difference from a rusted out explorer (this coming from last year when some prenant lady jumped out of said explorer and told me to move so her husband could park with the three other trucks there at the time, i laughed) and a highly modified car with tons of $$ and time invested into it, but they cant do that either.

I wonder if ill be able to choose with my truck when it is done… i refuse to show it untill its painted and not in primer…

v8 for the classic side, 20s for the tuner side, chevy truck for classic side, laying body and navi in dash for import side, paint for import side and custom work for classic.

This year this is a TON of trucks… we should all park together and let no one else be in the area… swampers to lowriders to classics… all trucks together… that would make my day… :slight_smile:


This year this is a TON of trucks… we should all park together and let no one else be in the area… swampers to lowriders to classics… all trucks together… that would make my day… :slight_smile:


Summit Mall Cruise
June 27Truck

There you go. They park them on the classics side.

What would it take to get a “newer era performance” ~domestic~ catagory? I feel like my car should be able to sit next to a GN or a T-Type.


What would it take to get a “newer era performance” ~domestic~ catagory? I feel like my car should be able to sit next to a GN or a T-Type.


A time machine, becuase 15,000 flyers were printed up with the current class list and I can’t change it now.

But like in previous posts, you could put it in the late model modified classes. And that’s the class that the GN and T-Type will be in anyway. Unless they are stock.

yeah so back on the original topic of getting keyed

i have a few trucks lined up and ready to park on the classics side in what we would consider a small protest, mainly i think the guy who stands there just doesnt like bagged trucks. Ive seen a few S10s over there, one was supercharged and one was an older style with a V8 in it, but hey those are trucks? as well as the few others. So if anyone else who is on here with a minitruck would like to get there at 6pm sharp, feel free to join. I will explain my side of the truck being keyed since he was the one who told me to park with the rice and if he doesnt like that, he will get an ear full of trainhorn.


yeah so back on the original topic of getting keyed

i have a few trucks lined up and ready to park on the classics side in what we would consider a small protest, mainly i think the guy who stands there just doesnt like bagged trucks. Ive seen a few S10s over there, one was supercharged and one was an older style with a V8 in it, but hey those are trucks? as well as the few others. So if anyone else who is on here with a minitruck would like to get there at 6pm sharp, feel free to join. I will explain my side of the truck being keyed since he was the one who told me to park with the rice and if he doesnt like that, he will get an ear full of trainhorn.


Just tell them 103.3 told you that you could park there :smiley:
Those guys don’t question much. If you have a clean truck, shouldn’t be a problem.

ill try that first


99% of the import people I know refer to themselfs as “tuners”


You must hang out with some special import guys. I don’t think I know anyone who calls themselves that.

Joe, slightly OT, but I heard that Rod And Piston is getting airtime on 103.3. Congrats man! :tup:


You must hang out with some special import guys. I don’t think I know anyone who calls themselves that.


hell, I hear it thrown around on here all the time lol :gotme:

I have never heard anyone from Buffalo call themselves a tuner.
Wings and body kits are not tuning.

“tuner” “tuner cars” same difference

all just as retarded

Well I think the whole “Tuner” phrase came from the Japanese car scene where in fact there are many actual TUNERS of Supras, Skylines, Integras, S200’s, ect. They tune suspensions and motors to extremes.

Idiot TV shows and tools in the states put blue lug nuts on theit hooptie and all of a sudden they are a “tuner”.
The ignorant morons in the TV and Auto retail industry here are partly responsible.

Well i stated my case with the people who direct the traffic in at the cruise night, the guy on the classics side at first was hesitant to let us in with our trucks, then after listening told us to pull in. I talked to Ryan from 103.3, he came right up to us and told us everything he decided to try starting next week to help resolve a lot of the issues. The classic side will be split into 2 groups, muscles and classics older than 25 years and then a section for cars and trucks that are 25 years old and newer. They will be watching the kids more closely, etc… Stereo competion cars will be parked accordingly as well…