Umm carbon dating has been proved to be wrong. Also, if you are so open minded about searching for the truth, then why is it that more and more aspects of the bible are being proven true? I know this is a loseing argument because you are dead set against anybody with any kind of faith or ideas beyand that of conventional science, but even the theory of evolution is faith based. They can not prove it. They are makeing a guess on things they believe to be related. So why is it that religion is all wrong and there can be no god? is it really THAT hard to believe?
I guess it all depends on how extreme someone is. I believe what I beleive, but I’m willing to listen to peoples opinions. Until someone can prove to me that there isn’t a god, I will believe in him. Nobody will be able to do that just like I can’t physically prove to you that there is one.
Enter faith.
I have it, many people in this post dont. I’m ok with that I guess. I didn’t start a thread challenging the non believers. You’ll find that there are far more non religious people starting these threads, then those who are religous. Why does it matter to the non religious crowd so much? maybe deep down they are wondering and searching for truth? Maybe they’re looking to start trouble? Don’t really know.
Hard to search for the “truth” when your model can’t be disproved.
Chill with the name calling. I dont like Catholicism because it is all about money and has mutilated the bible and its teachings. Confession is a major part. As well as annulments and all that bullshit…and baptizing a baby. show me where in the bible it states we are not worthy for directly talking with God. Tell me where it states we have to pay the church to say we are forgiven in the eyes of God. Baptism symbolizes your spiritual rebirth, it is a decision you make as an adult, not as an infant that has no choice in the matter.
I was doing no name calling. I was just applying your first post to your second post, thereby pointing out your hypocrisy. :gotme:
There, I fixed it for you. None of what you posted about why you don’t like Catholocism is true. Well, actually your argument against childhood baptism makes an interesting point, but the rest is myth and rumor. Tell me where in RC doctrine it says I’m not worthy to talk directly to God. Tell me where in RC doctrine it says I have to pay money for my sins.
Yes at one time the church accepted payment for sins and abused it as a profitable venture. However, the sale of indulgences ended in 1567. It’s been 500 years. Yes, we have a ritual for having our sins forgiven but that doesn’t mean that we can’t pray to God directly.
If you’re going to bitch about others being open minded you might want to try it yourself.
Oh, and if you’re trying to maintain validity in a theological discussion, you might want to refrain from claims like “carbon dating has been proven false.”
Well, I’ve said my piece. It’s nice to see other young people who can at least see the good in religion, and some even have faith themselves.
actually yeah carbon dating has not been proven wrong by anyone believable…only by religious groups lol
which is my problem with religion in general, it really is the opiate of the masses. There are TONS of great things to take from religion, great moral lessons and ways to treat one another
my major problem is the lies the feed people that put blinders on those that follow like sheep (ie Jeg believing that carbon dating is false)
I agree with this.
Jeg, could you point me in the direction of some objective evidence proving carbon dating wrong? Did you read about and study why carbon dating is wrong or did somebody tell you it was wrong?
Hey Brother Christian with your high and mighty errand
your actions speak so loud i can’t hear a word your saying.
Greg Graffin - I Want To Conquer The World - Bad Religion
The problem with religion is not the idea but rather the practice. Man himself is the parasite consuming the ideology of faith. and for that reason I could never believe a man’s interpretation of scripture. faith is only ment to provide an explanation, but religion is being used as a tool to promote hatred, violence, prejudice, judgement as well as many other weapons of evil. and if there really is a “creator” and he is omnipotent, then he knew, reguardless of free will, the choices man would make and is fully responsible for the violent wars, genocides, tortures, rapists, pedophiles ect. so ponder that thought when a religious zealot questions your morality, because god obviously intended for homo sapiens to be very violent, hateful and immoral.
Yeah both my parents were raised catholic…I know nothing about it :bloated:. When my father was young and his parents got a divorce but were too poor to pay the church for an anunulment, they use to use him as an example to the other kids saying if you dont pay the church you’re going to hell like John’s parents. Tell me that is not fucked up. I disagree with Confession because you are accountable to God and God only. You do not have to redirect your thoughts to a priest because he is holier than you. Also, the repetition in Catholic prayers (hail Marys etc) are stupid. The bible says “pray in this fashion”, meaning to pray like that, not repeat everything it until you are forgiven. If you truly believe the bible you would know that one need only ask god for forgiveness and he is forgiven. Not repeat a phrase a certain number of times based on the sin. And the whole priest telling you “say 40 hail marys and do this and you are forgiven” is not right. Again, just read the bible, and you will see the hypocrisy in Catholicism. It has been turned into a comercial religion instead of being what it should be, somewhere to go to share your faith with other and worship. period. Your personal faith with god is all you need to attend church, not how much money you can give to be forgiven and buy your way into heaven. That is my biggest beef with Catholocism. They have adapted to so many other’s beliefs to spread that it has tarnished the image of what Christianity should be and what it stands for. No matter your race, social status or what you have done in your past, you are all the SAME in God’s eyes and only answer to him. So yeah I know nothing about Catholocism :ham:. I know quite a bit my friend.
I thought Buffalo was semi-religous when I lived there, being Catholic and all. try moving to the mid west, wow, it is an eye opener to religion. The area is highly red, and extremely religous. I thought, hey, I go to church and pray, im really religous, wow, not exactly right. There are christian stores commonplace in every mall here, radio, tv, signs, advertisements, its another world, not saying it is wrong, but I have had my differences with some people out here.