So you think it's bad in the USA

good thing you don’t live in England.

This sounds like something California may try to do. :smiley:

Mr Malcolm’s plight comes just weeks after Bristol council angered allotment holders by urging them not to lock their sheds in case burglars damaged them breaking in.



sounds like someone needs shot in the ass with some rocksalt

And it doesn’t stop there…

[ame=“”]YouTube - England Gun Ban Update[/ame]

Fucking crazy shit. Robbers should be electrocuted. Not to death, just mildly singed a bit.

Even churches are going out of business around the world, suicide rates are up too :kekegay:

i wouldn’t be surprised at all if california followed suite

They already outlawed 50 cals.

damn. and here i was, thinking i’d move to cali and set up shop selling desert eagles.