solid engine mounts

soooo, what’s the benefit besides no engine movement? i’m thinking of going this route, but i don’t want everything falling apart from the vibrations either. it’s step one in a multi step process. next solid subframe mounts, one piece driveshaft, etc.

what do you guys think?

That’s really the only benefit… I mean we can look at possible benefits such as manifold/exhaust/tranny moving less as well thus less things potentially breaking. That’s about it.

Of course less movement also means smoother/easier more aggressive engagement/shifting without shit shaking and braking in the drivetrain left and right… potentially.

I run cusco engine mounts and polyurethane race tranny mount… Yes up shifting and down shifting kicks ass, heel toe kicks ass now… but… my whole body also gets its ass kicked. The vibrations in a 240 suck… just by design its a bad idea but… on track it kicks ass that is all.

There’s still SOME movement as its not 100% solid but maaann… it vibrates like crazy still… i dont care cuz im crazy myself but it does get anoying from time to time… cant complain too much with a stripped interior though.

On the other hand other cars have better mount designs… better transmissions… less vibration prone engine designs… they can take more solid designs eaiser.

I just got avid mounts for my dsm in the mail… they have a complete solid solution as well (which i wont be running) which is a possibility but I would highly advise against unless its absolutely only a track car.

Edit: Just get a ride in someone’s car who has them and see what I mean… mine is winter stored so sorry unavailable heh…

Going to solid subframe bushings you will hear the diff resonating which is really annoying at first I thought something was broken in my transmission about 3000rpm (been a while since I drove it). One piece driveshaft was a nice change though combined with chromoly flywheel + cerametallic puck clutch… but chatter is a pain in the ass at low rpm… again unbelivably awesome on track though.

Here is avid’s sr/ka solution:

I just got my avid racing engine/tranny dsm (not 240) mounts… they are hardcore cnc’d sexy pieces… i went with 75a urethane… lol lets see if i made a mistake… but i was told they dont vibrate that much… (i doubt that).

The problem is our 240 cars vibrate no matter what LOL… although i wouldnt mind trying the solid tranny mount and maybe 65a urethane on my 240… should be stiffer than what i have already… although that’d be just me wanting to be greedy as is it feels pretty solid and good as is with the cuscos

I advise against it unless you seriously track your car man… our cars are noisy and uncomfortable as is lol…

And I quote:

These mounts are for the serious racer that wants something better than the CUSCO and the factory replacement Nismos.

I’ve driven a nismo equipped car and for a daily if i wasnt dumb and insane i’d run that… its soft still yes but it is nice and solid compared to the 20 year old oem crappage.

i wouldnt think that solid engine mounts would be the best idea get racing mounts and a damper unless its just a track car but even still it sounds like a good ideain theory but if your frame isnt perfect could that not lead to frame damage?

Ya’ll are babies. Stiff mounts are no big deal. In the summer with the windows down it’s fun to try to look out the side mirrors with the engine idling though…

^^Definitely harder to identify cars behind you. If I think popo’s far behind somewhere I usually have to reach up and hold the rearview steady to check at night.

Other than that, just make sure you torque your mount bolts down at least to spec and maybe throw some loctite on for good measure.