SoloIIscoob Lapping Dunnville

need to utilize the full width of the track… wtf was he doing around bracks? grp B FTW!

Handheld, eeepy eep. That should probably be addressed otherwise it came out quite well.

That turn was giving me the hardest time as well… I lost it there my second time around, hitting the gas in between the turn was my cause followed by me realizing I was carrying to much speed into Bracks and tapping the breaks. Next thing I know I’m in the lawn…

I got the hang of it pretty well by the end of the day and hit the line perfect… Happy to see I was not the only noob… LOLZ


The turn where he went off the track in the vid.

in the turbo car id probably late (single) apex the corner and cut in sharply right, while pumping the gas to keep the boost more or less on tap; brake hard before the turn so youre not scrubbing in the actual turn. just my 2 cents i could be wrong.

edit: it seemed to me like he was braking where he should have been on the gas, and gassing when he should have been turning. im not getting into the lines, but imo he shifts wayy too soon for some corners like end of the front straight (he could shift lock and go off course).

yeah… late single apex is the only way to go for AWD on this turn.

when the track is running the other way (counter-clockwise) it then becomes a double apex.

I drive a completely different line than all of you in BOTH directions.


he just likes to turn around and see where he has been

i was baffled by the s2000’s “lines” which seemed to be indecisive combinations of single vs double, even a triple apex…

Why is anyone looking at anyone elses line?
Don’t waste your time.

Following the yellow S2k is your first mistake Matt.

as I said on youtube:

way to over-rev twice at the beginning between turns 2-3 and 3-4, missed shift around 1:20, 4 wheels off at 1:51 because you entered too hot… locking the brakes at 2:24 and 3:16. sheesh! no offense but that’s some pretty poor driving.

Seriously I do my own lines, my nose tends to burn from trusting other peoples lines

It takes time to figure out the correct line, but try to get a ride with someone in a similar vehicle (your welcome to go out with me) to get a feel for a more proper line. We have to take different lines than the higher horsepower vehicles, and I think you would benefit from having someone actively show you some other options.

And I liked the wiper blades.

Edit: That was meant for SoloIIScoob, since it seems he was the driver.

^ do you have any vids up dmoffitt?

4 wheels off and continuing to hot lap! Sweet! Next time maybe deflate your fucking ego for a minute and listen during the drivers meeting. 4 wheels off = IMMEDIATE pit lane to check the car over. Should be glad the people flagging didn’t see it.

I completely second this. If for no other reason then to collect yourself. I have yet to ever meet anyone who goes off and their heart doesn’t skip a beat. Maybe this is why the imaginary rain scared him at 3:15.