SoloIIscoob Lapping Dunnville

Ugh, I don’t know the details of this event or what he did or didn’t do… if he’s not following the rules then he should get dickslapped and learn to follow the rules. If someone pushes their car too hard and breaks it and/or goes off the road then so what, plenty of you “experienced drivers” have left the track.

This reminds me of 5 or 6 years ago on ubrf when all of the autocross people where stuck up assholes to the point that new people wouldn’t even want to try it for fear of something like this thread happening.

FOR WHAT IT IS WORTH, if I were you Josh/Bing/whoever is running these I would encourage people to get rid of this crap - talk to the people not following the rules by PM or whatever, because this is going to hurt attendance. If you’re not having attendance issues and don’t care, then whatever, I enjoy conflict so I’ll keep reading it. Just saying. :slight_smile: