SoloIIscoob Lapping Dunnville

Let me be perfectly frank here. He isnt being tortured because he is a novice. He is being talked down to because he was asked to tone it down at the track, he was black flagged, etc, etc. He ignored rules and regulations both in the handbook which he signed and those which were gone over during the driver’s meeting at the track. He has come off with nothing but a “I’m the best driver who showed up, I’m better than everyone, I’m faster than everyone, I know what I’m doing and dont have to listen to anyone” attitude which is exactly the type of attitude we do NOT want at our events. He is more than welcome to go run with PCA/BMWCCA/SCCA/NASA with that attitude, he’ll be pulled in during the first session, go back out for his second, and be asked not to come back at the end of the day. If you go into any event with that attitude you’ll get the same result. We do our very best to keep these events fun and relaxing. We treat every time out as an opportunity to learn to push your car further in a controlled and safe enviournment. If you continue to be a hazard to others, you will be asked not to come back, plain and simple. Many people can attest even the most unapproachable people are happy to show you the line, give you help/suggestions and take you for ride alongs. Hell there is a long list of those who have been out with me or gotten suggestions which I’d like to think helped them. Pushing your car to your personal limits and approaching them slowly and learning is one thing. Driving like a reckless asshole is entirely another. All day long all we heard from SoloII was why he wasnt in the advanced group, and why he couldnt go out with them, yada yada yada . Yet the reality was, even if his skill level was as good as some in that group his maturity level and ego certainly would not. Exact same reason why we black flagged the silver boxster last year who wouldnt let people pass and was going off track and made him take a break. If we can’t maintain a safe, fun place because of one bad apple should we cancel all our events or just ask one person not to return? I think all of those who have come to our events will agree.