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I like it… Mk4 the cyber mod bully. I got $20, sign me up.

No, you care.

I prefer to keep everything in my life to the internet

Oddly enough, I think I read something where Mk4 was putting PM’s up for everyone to see…

What is it, keep it private or make it public?

are you getting butthurt? gonna roid rage?

The internet is to be taken seriously

Nah, I’m good. I like this site, even with people like you around. :thumbup

190 bombs on rt9 is epic fucking retarded.

it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when.

I hope I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure I’m not.

Take it up over PM, this isn’t the place to talk about it per Mk4.

See the kitta knows

exactly:ponder i dont understand why you feel the need to twist what i said. all i said was whatever issue youve got with tony take it up with him somewhere else, not in his new car thread.

And if not… The ban box??? :ohnoes

It’s been fun for today, bye Mk4.

only you. a user name like yours, i figured i have no choice but to BAN U because you dared me to.

This site is getting far to serious


yikes, thats a plump guinea pig

Guinea pigs are better than cats.

Waiting for E to come in here to defend his manhood.
