some 7yo's should be punched in the face by their parents, right in front of the cops

7 years old and this is what he dos when he gets some free time ?

$10 says hes killing hookers before hes 20

wow, fucked up.

parents should go to jail.1 for the lack of parental awareness and the second for teaching or lack of teaching of morals.

How the fuck does a 7 year old get out of his house, break into a zoo and exercise is psychotic tendencies for 30 minutes without his parents knowing?

Too bad one of those crocs didn’t get him.

yea i know, him hoping the second fence would have been perfect

“he’s not hungry any more, i can go pet him”

my mom told me about it earlier. if he had like, wrestled a bear or something that would have been cool. But he should have gotten eaten by a crock…that would have been awesome. :headbang:

Bash his head and feed him to the croc :gotme:

And these smileys just seemed so appropriate for this…
:deadhorse: :smash2::deadhorse2:

convicts breeding convicts lol


If he got attacked by the croc, his parents would have sued…

thats fucked up lol.

nah, this is australia not america

These reptiles he threw over the fence couldn’t have been very big. Last time i checked a seven year old would have a hard time lifting anything over 25 lbs? let alone throwing it over a fence thats most likely taller than he is.