some changes to occur

Brett, you no like RWD?

i do, but for the higher HP, everyday, all weather aspect. ill take me some AWD again

id like to go to the track and run it on the same 205-55-16 all seasons i showed up on. :lol

Wont that thing just blow 4 baby 205’s off the line anyways? :tongue

nope. itll hook first. its called gear based boost control. wastegates in 1st, then all the glory in 2-5/6

I think youd do very well rolling in one of those. Traction FTW

yeah i should have kept my audi, 2nd owner of it, and really low miles… oh well.

Yup, I guess the $500-$800 clams is worth it for a sick ass EBC controller.

Good deal Brett. I think this will be an awesome project! No more wrong wheel drive!

will miss GTI :frowning:

:rofl youre nuts.

try ~30$

Im willing to bet a lot that the A4 you posted is for sale by DNL auto. My mom bought her a8 from there and he always takes the pictures in the same spot, am i right?

was gonna say the same thing dont have to spend 500-800 on a staged boost controller.

So when i was working at cordell road, and i was inbetween trips helping a cusomter… was that you grilling me down and getting on it? :lol it had to be only turbo mkIv i know around here thats not DUKED.

Nice switch. Some day when im not such a pussy, ill make the switch to a I5 20v t or e36

i just googled the hibiscus A4, not sure where its sourced from. the santorin BT one is this guy from VWVortex, 16plus4V is his name.

Got emmm

OEM parts and micro switches make it work.

i dont know, i dont remember every person i see, and if it were me i probably wasnt “grilling you down” but if the car was loud and spinning the tires, followed by alot of pedaling, then it was probably me

do you know how many cars go down cordell daily that drive fast?
i seen nicks S4 in action and most of the dealerships “testing” cars from langan.

k enough OT.

Second sickest B5 color evar! Do it.

i already owned the sickest, if i can find it again, exactly as i want it. i will own it again :excited

the old A4, not long after i got it. nice and stock, and slow and non facelift :cry

I <3 my EVC6 :frowning: