Some crazy food delicacies

sounds delish.

ProgRocker - who the fuck HASN’T had lobster? It’s not really them screaming, it’s all the steam coming out of them from throwing those shits in boiling hot water, or something. But when I was little, my grandma used to make super fresh lobster when I went to Martha’s Vineyard, and I used to cry because she was killing the “loppies.” I WAS CUTE.

I could never eat anything that was still alive.

It was kind of a rhetorical question…I’ve never had ass lobster but I did get fresh lobster on my vacation to New Hampshire this summer…Deep Fried lobster is another taste treat.

those all make me want to vomit

i’ve tried all of it besides the “dancing shrimp”

fugu is overrated… i think the risk factor is what draws attention to it, as for taste, it’s not all that, but try it… the presentation is beautiful and seeing the chef cut the fish and prepare it is half of the fun

sannakji (which just translates to live squid)… i’ve had it a bunch of times… trick is to chew it a lot… first time i had it… i could feel the tentacles and suction cups or whatever you call it trying to grab the inside of my throat… it was freaky at first, but after the first time, it’s not bad… as for taste… no taste really… i usually dip it in some hot pepper paste/vinegar mixture

as for steak, i’ve tried all the well known steakhouses in nyc… i was actually at luger on monday for a going away type celebration… you know a place is baller when they only accept cash…

i went to smith & wollensky couple of times… not what it used to be… it’s the nyc version of scoth & sirloin… white/green building w/ no windows heh

never tried sparks that howie recommended, but the best steak i’ve had in nyc is a place called primehouse on 27th and park… it’s not a chain, but it’s part of some restaurant group… i was hesitant at first being a luger fan, but i actually like their steaks a little better than lugers…

if you need sushi place recommendations in nyc, let me know… i go for quality and not quantity

I would eat all of those without hesitation…

I really am a Japanese boy born in a white mans body.

True that, i’d be down for that anytime, sounds tasty