some DOD rolling shots finally (slammed cobalt ss)

the actual difference between you and me is that I’m not a raging doucher.

i could have mine done in 2 weeks if i lived with my father. but since i live 3 1/2 hours away i can’t put time into it every day.

Your right about that part. The only other part your missing is that you’re an idiot and play it off like you know everyone on the forum.

No i dont. I don’t know a single person on this forum.

Shut the fuck up already. Holy SHIT.

holy shittttttttttt my finger is hovering the ban button … kid is pissing everyone off lol thats harrasing aint it ???

Than why do you use peoples first names ? Stalker ? :skid:skid

Seriously. Once I, the most mild mannered member on Shift518, start getting annoyed…it’s time to look at the situation. :lol

you do realize I am a civil person when other people aren’t talking to me like I’m a dog.

skidplate… roll over.

and play dead…


speak boy!..

no wait… i did that wrong :Idiots