Some people are just jerks!

Ok so my car won this 97 Rock contest for hot show car so they put my car in the Buffalo Auto Show. I thought sweet. Then they give me a free two night stay at the hotel in the Rogers Centre in T.O and a $100 gift certificate for a eatery out there. Even cooler. So then they say that they will rope off my car and no one will mess with it. Good. Well I go in on the first day of the show and everything is cool except they didn’t rope it off. Well I thought that maybe they would just do it later. So I go in today and it still isn’t roped off. Now my car isn’t the style of alot of people but it means something to me. Come in to look at my car and the glove box is opened and gone through, my Scareface DVD is gone, someone messed with my doors and moved my sons power wheels around and broke one of the trophies I had out. Now I’m really not happy. What should or could I do? Just wanted to vent a little.

Complain to the sponsors of teh show, tell them that your shit was fucked with and missing because they didnt do as they were supposed to.

  1. Don’t put your car in the Buffalo ghetto playground, I mean car show, and leave it unattended.

  2. Don’t leave easily stealable items in the car at the Buffalo ghetto playground, err “car show”.

  3. Complain to the event organizer and watch them ignore you, because they know the car show is nothing more than a bunch of kids crawling all over cars like they were at some big ghetto indoor playground.

yeah i gave the guy from Citidel broadcasting a ring.

your very negitive towards the event. =]

its a shitty show and its uneccesarry for buffalo to have


not meant to be rude, but the buffalo auto show is not a place to “show” a car…

its a shitty event lol, i think most every person whos into cars thinks the same way. its only good for people who are looking into buying a new car and it saves them the trouble of going to several dealers. the only cool part is the random cool concept car ie chrysler me-412 (which i sat in = ballerrrrr), NOT the mustang GT with a GT500 body kit on it :ham:

Its not really an auto show by the high standards set in other cities in the country.

BUT, its really good for people looking to buy a new car in the dead of winter and get some ideas, without having to get hassled by salesman, and visiting tons of different dealerships.

Where else can you go and sit in a new car, look at everything inside, then talk to a salesman on your terms, and not be hounded into them wanting you to go inside to sign paperwork?

Sure, there is no exotic cars, but do people in the buffalo area BUY new exotic cars enough for dealerships to make it worth while to bring cars to the show? No…

I thought it was ok for my purposes. The girlfriend was deciding between a RAV4 and a Scion Xb, shes probably going to get the scion box.

I was deciding between a pt cruiser and a dodge caliber. I’ll probably get the pt with a few miles on it, because its so damn cheap.

My brother and I talked about this on the way to the show, “why would I pay to go and see a bunch of car dealers bring their cars inside?”. Because if you didn’t then every ghetto person in buffalo would just waltz in and bring their 10 kids as well.

I’m very negative toward the event in that they call it an “auto show”. That term, to me, implies more than a big dealer get together. I’ve been to the Detroit show, and the Toronto show, and THOSE are auto shows. Buffalo is nothing more than a bunch of cars taken off the lot, put indoors, and turned into playgrounds for kids. Realizing that, why on earth would you display your “show” car there, and leave it unattended. I’ve never seen your car, so I don’t know what it is, but if I put a lot of work into a car I certainly wouldn’t drop it off at that show and not make sure they followed up on the promise to rope it off.

The only worth of the Buffalo show is if you don’t know what car you want and want to look at a bunch without being pressured. Personally I’ve never purchased a car when I didn’t have my choices narrowed down to 2 or 3, at which point I’d much rather pick an area where the 3 dealers are close by and see the cars there. Just sitting in a car is never enough for me to decide since all new cars “sit” just great. I need to drive them to make my final decision, something not available at the show. The one exception was when I bought my Expedition and was considering a Durango (previous generation). I got in and in 5 seconds crossed it off my list because it felt like stepping back in time to 1985. Talk about your outdated interiors.

i went yesterday and couldnt even sit in half of the cars because of the 3-8 year olds climbing all over them